Chapter 20

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"You certainly listen to some cool music just by judging by the lyrics." Shizuku said smiling. Ani's face lit in joy. However, the biggest mistake that Shizuku could ever done. He said something where a fangirl with scream to the entire world but Shizuku never notice that. However, for Ani, she decided to scream inside internally and thus, she just to talk to him. With the most happiest, excited bubbly voice.

"Oh my god do you like bands? When I mean bands I mean like emo bands!" She came close to him and clapped her hands together.

"W-well I listen to some like umm..." Shizuku tried to think about something to say. But Ani cut him off after he trailed off.

"Like? Like?" She stare deeply at his eyes with her eyes gleaming.

Conan felt like this situation is not for him, or for Kaito. They were out of it, and no way they can butt in with the conversation. All they can do is just hear them talking whatever they are talking. However, Conan remember something. Isn't 'emo' about deep words and cutting and phrasing that about death and wearing all black seem all similar to that genre? That clicked Conan's mind instantly.

It all make sense, her clothes are black. Definitely why she likes emo songs. About back then when she kept on say those 'I want to die' sentences... No wonder... Conan half laughed at his own statement. He never notice it till now.

Kaito, coincidentally, thought the same also, well almost. He really did think like that as Conan also. As for that, how would Ani end up in a world they are in?

She's acting like this now, so why not for her to go where all these crazy bands people who sings swear words come to their world. Why is it this world? Kaito shook his head. This world is just full of us people. He sighed.

"How did she ever came to this place..." Kaito muttered and shrugged.

I guess you're thinking the same thing as me, Kuroba-kun. Conan looked at him and smiled wryly.

"So? So? Come on, tell me!" She stare at Shizuku's eyes feeling excited with a slight hope within her. Shizuku began to avert her eyes and look around. He really not sure since he really didn't listen to some bands though.

" only lived in Japan for a long time but I guess I do hear some from other countries so um like..." Shizuku turn the other but only Ani's intense gaze made him turn to look at her in the eye, sweating profusely. He really didn't know much now did he?

"Like you don't know some bands are you just forgotten which band you just listened." Her expression went to a 'not amused' expression. Shizuku gulped. Straight to the point where something landed on him.

"Well, I just know the lyrics like um..." He began to trail his words again. At this point, Ani started to get really annoyed.

"Like?" She waited for his response, not seriously into it.

Quickly, he finally remembered a lyric from a song an sang it lowly. "Um...'Let's scream to there's nothing left! So sick of playing, I don't want this anymore!'" The way he sung, it was quite horrible. Kaito and Conan and she thought that to be the worst singing they could ever hear. But hey, Conan can't sing so he has no right to say that, or think about it.

"Ah! That's Kings for a day by Pierce the Veil! Oh my god, may food bless you for a day." She smiled gleefully. "Right, okay let me tell you something."


"You suck at singing. Just saying." She grinned evilly but weirdly.

So honest! Kaito and Conan thought in the same time, a bit surprised.

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