Chapter 40

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This chapter is going to be hella good in the beginning to a crappy lame ending lol. BECAUSE I HAVEN'T WRITE ANYTHING FOR 2 WEEKS. WHICH MEANS MY WRITING SKILLS HAVE GOTTEN WORSE.

Without further ado, read merely for the cringe. Enjoy.


A short while. The two helpless boys saw the smile of the raven-haired girl, grinning diabolically. It was the worst kind of smiles out there, never they would have thought they have to look at. Their eyes wide open, their lips far apart- it seems like a nightmare had come to destroy everything.

Even though the witch thought she can do this, however not quite enough. Bloodlust has risen. The aura became much more stronger, stronger than anything else. It seems that the possessed girl had taken to the next level. However, without blood, she couldn't get any powerful than she was. The witch held her magical object, an object that will return her to her usual state. It's not the usual one where you can go through to her mind and break it, no. In a way she should have to conquer, it will definitely be a hard and risky one.

However, in all of a sudden, the monster began to react quickly, as if they was another person around who is like Akako, but different. Akako notice the abnormal presence straight away. Ani began moving uncontrollably. When she tried to move her arms, she couldn't. It was place beside her, not even an inch moving. Her face had an expression of struggling vigorously, trying to let go of the invisible strength that is binding her.

When the red witch thought she still had her object, she didn't. Surprise! Well who would've thought it will be with the other witch who was next to Ani. Akako thought it was a witch, but it was a wizard instead when she took a little closer look. It was rare. All she had known from her last ancestor that no wizards were alive till the death of her third-last ancestor. It was mind-blowing, to see that one is still alive.

A blue hair, just above his shoulders, smooth, all straight. Eyes very bright cerulean colour,  glimmering but dark. He was pretty handsome, all ladies would have fallen for him. But clearly, he may be behind the whole situation. While he grinned, he held the object and stabbed it inside Ani through her neck. She felt a small staggering pain, but soon began to return to herself within ease. But her whole skin was all white, pale.

Her scarlet eyes began to reveal her brown chocolate colour. Her white hair switched places with the colour black. She blinked several times until she had to register what was happening. She felt tired, however she's not allowing herself to go to sleep before wanting to hear explanations. She took a glance down, surprised the crap out of herself. How was she floating? She isn't using any magical powers now is she?

"Are you back to normal, Ojou-chan?" Ani whip her head around to see the stunning male, a charming smile upon his face. Astonished, she yelped and tried get away from him because too close will damage her sanity; including the awkwardness around people. Although the way she is in right now, she couldn't move. She is floating to be more exact. "Now, now, don't hurry yourself to your death."

"I need death. I don't need to live." She said deeply, shaking her head slightly. The blue hair wizard whistled, not expecting to hear that response.

"Suicidal, huh? Don't want you to die yet, we need you." He said, sliding his arms around her waist, grinning. Ani squeaked as she clutch his arms, trying to pry them away from her.

"!" She took the arms away from her, falling down to the ground with a small flip. She landed heavily with her knees bent then standing straight once again. She look around, sighing. "I don't even know what is happening...this is weird." Turning her head side to side, rubbing her head. Then he gaze landed and the two boys which their face seems to be in relief but terrified. Ani waved at them.

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