Chapter 18

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Conan started to search for the eyeball that the person dropped. Honestly, if Ani knew someone is coming, she could've been ready for that. However, it's not her fault. She can't be cautious all the time. Maybe, next time, she should be aware of anything that is coming up for her.

He looked under the table, the couch, the desk, under the cupboards. Nothing. Maybe it just comes back to that explanation where the eyeball just disappeared along side with her. Logical indeed. When a person's have their possessions, it vanishes along side with. It's probably like that.

The phone vibrated, as Conan turn it on to see what message had it say.

The points went to 0. Her level went to 0. Also her stats! Only what left in her inventory didn't disappear, but the phone upgrades have been gone as well! ;~; I don't know why but that is the rules for this game.

The message said. Obviously, judging from what Ani had explained. She came here from another world and told Conan about the game she has been playing, the game. Well specifically, she had not said what game is it. And thus, she had been attacked. Conan began to furrow his eyebrows, glaring at the phone in a dubious manner. Something so dangerous letting a young girl experiencing such situations isn't ideally for her.

Conan doesn't know what is actually happening. This isn't even scientific enough or any evidence to this explantion of revival, eyeball have a jewel, then a person disappearing. He gritted his teeth in a livid manner and talking to Pandoru in his own thoughts.

Why are you involving Ani into this game? What is your objective?

I haven't really force her to do anything! I was just told what I was suppose to do and that's it. And she didn't really gave much thought about it and continued what was going on in this world. I think, this what really made her happy. Just meeting you and that Kiddo.

It doesn't mean you to bring all sorts of trouble towards her! She has nothing to be in this kind of situation. You only you just explain it to her; maybe she would reject your offer and stayed back where she belongs.

A long pause between them. Then a sudden message came up.

*chuckles* It's not my fault that she got chosen for this. I chose her, so she could die happy in this world.

You- what!

*laughs* Yes! That's it! Her future awaits, you know? Nothing could stop it from happening. Unless she change everything for herself. It would be fine. Oh Conan, would she even survive in this world? Of course not. Unless you give the phone back to her, then maybe she didn't have to die just yet. She can spend more time with you.

Put her back where she belongs. She can't keep acting upon your expectations. She will die.

I trust her, I believe in her. She wouldn't die. I know her well. Well enough she will enjoy this world no matter what.

Then why do you expect so much that she can't survive? Why do you still believe in her when eventually will die? What is the main point to all that!

I am not bothered to answer all of that. Ugh, Conan please. Plus I don't really have an answer to that. Too complicated.

Right, fine. Though you haven't answered my second question yet.


What is your objective?

The phone started to vibrate, continuously and never ending. Conan could no longer hold it and dropped it to the floor. And the phone blacked out. Once it done that, it halt. Laid there in the ground. Conan picked up, in worried manner that left him thoughtless. What could've happen to Ani? Where have she gone?

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