Chapter 19

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So as better of nothing, I ran like hell. I never ran so far and then stopped halfway and start walking in my P.E. lessons. This is the most tiring activities I have done and it only happens in this world. My heart is aching and my throat is dry like the desert I live in. I hate feeling these kind of stuff. Damn that place I live in is so hot. But either way, I came infront of the the school where Conan schools.

Um, should I just wait? No, that would be creepy. I'm wearing all black; I'll be like a stalker. And if I just go in, I will be like trouble and I hate being in troubles. Ugh, this is annoying.

I sigh and began to roam around the place. Also, it's a wonder that I am able to find where Conan schools. Miracle! Nuracle. Okay enough names for me for what my friends made for me.

After a while of just roaming around in that area, I heard someone faintly yelling or calling. I look around to see what is with the yelling. A small kid is running towards me. Okay judging by the attire, it's Conan, 100%. Hey! He caused me so much trouble. Why the heck he didn't stay in that agency thing. How should I know? Okay stop Ani you're being dumb.

He halt infront of me and fell forward, holding his knees as he msupport for his body, exhausted. He was sweating everywhere, and lifted his head a tiny bit and look up to me, closing one eye.

"I...finally" He huffed and stand up straight. "I knew you were going to be around here." He said.

"Well, you're kind of a detective so it's probably a reasonable explanation that you can find me easily." I remarked. "Anyways, I need my phone. I know you saw me dead."

"Why are you acting all so casual?"

"Oh, that's because, I get over things easily if it's sad or something makes me angry. Also, I kind of experience these things back then so it's kind of...pretty...normal?" I explained, not really sure if its true or not.

Conan sighed,"well alright then. Here, take the phone." He handed me the phone and took it. He then took out something from his pocket. "Can you see properly?" He question.

I was puzzled. "No? Well, my left eye seems a bit funny?" I said, unsure about my sentence.

"Duck down. Let me inspect your eye a bit better." He ordered me.

I did what he told me. He took off my glasses. He lifted up his hand which is holding something towards my eye. "Sorry, I am going to open your eye wider." He warned me. I let him do as he wanted. For some reason, his expression seems that he saw something unreal after he widen my eye. I tried my best not blink, only my right eye will though.

A squishy kind of object was pushed into my left eye. That hurts! I automatically drew away from him and covered my eye. "What was that about?" I ask, so confused. What was that? I didn't see the object he was holding.

"Y-yeah! It was nothing." He said. I squinted at him.

"Conan, you can't deceive me now. What did you do?" I question him with more serious tonality.

"The eyeball, that anonymous person, took it out from your eye sockets. Right?"

I nodded.

"I thought, if I put it back, maybe your eye will go normal. And it did."

"Wait, so all this time I was 2/3 blind and I can only see through my right eye?" I waited for the response, utterly in awe.

"I guess, if that was what you were seeing." I roll my eyes whilst he gave me back my glasses and I wore them.

"Yeah, okay, I need my phone. Maybe something changed."

"Major changes." There was a slight pause. Then he continued,"the phone changed."

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