Chapter 42

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Hey all! I hope you're enjoying this crap so far (with hell tons of swearing smh). Have fun? (this might go over 50 chapters crap-)


-Three days before Ani's torture begun-

"This is bad." Conan told the obvious. "This probably won't end up well."

"We need to save her." Kaito said, enduring the pain over his back. It was probably bleeding, however he didn't want to worry about too much. A scratch couldn't be that bad. He press he back for a moment until he pulled it back to see how bad it is. It was soaking with blood.

"That wizard did the job for me, but the Pandora is getting stronger, and I think the antidote won't last for long. Looking at that state before, she will return back to a monster again in a week." Akako explained.

"That isn't great. How we going to save her?" Kaito asked.

Conan noticed his hand, surprised. "Kaito, that's bad. We need to get you to the hospital." Conan suggested, looking at his back.

"It's fine, just put a little of ointment over it and cover it up with bandages. My mum left me some and she said it's pretty good with scratches." He smiled. Conan didn't even know that wound of his from the back is actually called 'a scratch'. His uniform is pretty much ragged and blood was soaking his whole back. It's a wonder how Kaito was able to keep up that poker face.

"Alright." He reluctantly said. "Let's get you treated before infections starts."

"It doesn't start that early!" Kaito remarked. Conan chuckled, walking to his house until he saw Kaito's house wrecked from the inside and the outside of his house. Kaito completely forgot about that, and getting frightened when the thoughts of her mother brings up. That girl is bad luck to his house.

" what are we gonna do?" Conan asked, looking back sympathetically at his face. Kaito shrugged. But then that got him an idea.

"Akako can you-"

"Sorry but I need to get this done. So at night tomorrow 12 am, we have to find the that girl and figure how to break it in. I will explain further in detail. I will make you guys walk to my mansion. I don't have time. I need to make preparations for this. Make up some plan while I need to find her location right now. Bye." At that instant, Akako sped-talk her way to avoid helping Kaito. Conan clearly reminds her as Ai. She would often do that also. But completely different from that red witch.

Kaito eye twitched in annoyance. That witch left with her broom stick, laughing, not wanting to help. Suddenly, his phone rung. He took the phone from his pocket and answered it, putting it right next to his ear.

"Hi Kai-chan! How have you been? You didn't answer your calls in shype. Are you out?" Her mother called in a loud, sweet voice. Kaito pulled back his phone away from his ear, not to cause him any deafness. Although he was simply worried about the house at this state, his fear tripled.

(Shype is a great thing. 10/10 not fake lols)

"Uh, yes mum." He mumbled, looking down at Conan. And such coincidence, his phone rang as well. The other phone, not the Conan's phone. He answered it, and there's another booming voice croming from the other side of Conan's phone.

"Shin-chan! My loving son, how have you been?" Her cheerful voice killed Conan's ear since it was damn hella loud. Caring mothers, as always.

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