Chapter 31

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Short note but long:

I know I haven't been introducing a lot of characters, but lets just say this is like a movie without featuring the FBI, Hondou Eisuke, Saguru quacker, not much of Aoko, Shinichi's Parents, Eri, Sonoko, Sonoko's grandfather whatever, Makoto, Chikage, Kazuha (idk maybe, well I dont remember) the Police department, a little of Detective Boys. Akako meh idk. (There's like freaking a lot of characters do you think I am freaking bothered to put them all in a story ugh) oh ya, also some of the Black Organs. I ain't going to show like Kir or Chianti or whatever.

Ya okay u understand or no? Probably no so just read okay

(Also, bad fighting scene coming up please be warned lol) (it will be bad)


"You missed. What is wrong with you Okabe? Not only once, but twice! You even hit that guy who has nothing to do with us, you dimwit."

"I miscalculated the wind. Sorry. However is a wonder how you would know where they will be at this time." He praised her silently. "And, we are calling ourselves with codenames, HoneyDew."

"Daiquiri, you're not doing a great job are you. I am in doubt that we could get away from the piercing glare of that silver haired person that partner of his. It is annoying." She spat, holding her earpiece. "That being said, who is that random dude that appeared? He is holding captive with this child and that weird horn girl."

"Stop asking questions, we failed this part but we will have loads of time soon left. They escaped in the forest. I don't think they will be coming out for a while."

"No, wait. Lets see for a while."


-Ani's pov-

Why the heck is he bleeding! Didn't he say that he is level 45? No, he may be level 45 but he probably didn't raised his Vitality stat high enough. Doesn't he know that this is a game and that you're suppose to raise the stat that is most crucial to the same point of which form of attack. Okay you won't understand but form of attack is mostly Intelligence and Strength. Yeah I just made that up.

"Shizuku! Stop standing there, we need to run!" I yelled, grabbing his other hand while his other hand his holding the bleeding. He looks so much in pain, I have to get him treated somewhere. Conan is trying his best where it is coming from. I'll leave him to that.

We ran through the trees in the park. Because if running in an open area, more likely you'll get shot easily, they can target you more easily. Since it is dark, their vision won't be that great, unless they use night vision which is totally disadvantage against us. How the hell do I know this? Oh right, shooting games. Haha.

The sound of an electric static that I could barely hear. Conan probably turning on his power shoe. I smirked as I stop running. "Shizuku, you need to stay here. It's far too dangerous. Do you know how to upgrade your stats?" I asked. I am definitely sure Conan can do something.

"Yeah I do...I raised them up to 9..." He leaned against the tree and slid down slowly, barely opening his eyes. I pity him.

"All of them?"

"Yes all of them! How did I get hurt for no Vitality is at 9 along with strength." He winced, tightening his injured shoulder. Of course it will hurt! I would be crying at the spot. And hold on...he upgraded his intelligence also? Wait, does he have any magical powers or anything? Anyways, questions later Ani, no time to waste!

"I have to check on Conan. These people are after me, and they're probably trying to get rid of you so they can get me. But I am not sure. But I know Conan is in danger." I said, extremely cautious. "Trust me, I'll be back." I quickly turn and ran away.

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