Chapter 9

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I laugh harder, holding my tummy and bending over. I couldn't take it. I had to laugh at this was too serious but then too humorous to be serious. The way he questioned Kaito as Kaito tilted his head. They all stare at me, who  is still laughing continuously.

"Ani...chan?" Kaito call slowly. I slowly halt my laughter and glance at everyone else.

"Yeah sorry about that. Anyways yeah Hattori-kun you should believe me for now but I came from another dimension and literally know you guys. I came here to help since I have no other choice of being here other than meeting you. I'm not bothered to explain the whole thing again. This would be a lot easier if everyone was here." I sighed. "So where's Kazuha-chan?"

"She ya wenta with Ran when we're on the way to here." The monkey said. I nodded in response and I crossed my arms, putting over my leg on my other knee, then leaned back at the couch. I am tired as heck.

Conan started explaining to Hattori as he come to understood everything to happen. Kaito came around and sat next to me while Hattori sat next to Conan. I am not the type to be a leader or to plan anything since I am not that clever enough to think of one. I kept my phone the whole in my hand. I felt it buzz again. Is there a way to turn it off?

I turn on my phone and the message came again.

I could help you, but I guess you never want it.

You seriously could help me? Um right yeah well what can you do?

I guess you need to meet someone for now. He's around here.

Is he someone I know? Or just a player that you want me to meet.

Who knows but he's almost the same age as you. He could help you too.

Okay this is a little bit fishy. Anyways why does it have to be a boy? Can it be a girl? Can't it? I never seem to notice it a lot but I don't really interact with girls in this world. Ugh!

Make me meet a girl for duck's sake!

Oh! Sorry wrong information. It's a girl, she's a same age as you. She could help you, she's a bit more clever though ;)

You little shi-

A voice made me stop talking as I lifted my head up to the person who was talking. Conan. "Huh? What?"

"Your eye." He said.

"My eye? What about it?"

"Your whole eye is red now. I don't think those contact lense work now. Everything on the surface of your eye is all bright red."

"It's true! It's all red. Do ya have some eye problem?" Hattori quizzically asked.

"What? No. It's not an eye problem. It's a-"

All of the sudden, the striking pain came in again as I could control my scream. It roared in the room, louder than anything else. The agony I have to deal again. This time it's much worst. My eye was moving around and around then trying to burst out, almost as it wants to get out of my eye. I clutch my whole face as it already spread the pain around. It hurts! I want it to stop. As far as I know, I couldn't handle it any longer until I blacked out.

-No one's pov- (derp it came ;)) )

Everyone saw the weird girl collapsed to the floor between the couch and the table as they kept on staring at her red eye just pulsing its colour. Without wasting no time, Heiji carried her and laid her on to the couch. She was sweating, but unconscious. How painful was it?

"It's okay she just passed out by the pain." Conan reassured.

"That look too painful when she screamed. It literally filled the whole room with her voice." Kaito worriedly said. Feeling sympathetic.

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