Chapter 5

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So Ani, how's the date between you and Kaito. Just sitting around in the house at night? It's like 2 am you know.

"We're not on a house date or anything. Plus Kaito has Aoko anyway. I am not planning to sleep anytime soon even though Kaito slept on the couch. Will you please stop teasing me?"

I guess so. Okay I'll stop.



I swipe my phone and looked at the level I was now. I'm level 4 now. Wow. I think as I level up, more experience is needed. Oh right, forgot to tell you. You need experience to level up so in short term; EXP.

So therefore it would be like this:

Level: 0 - 1 = 0/50
Level: 1 - 2 = 0/100
Level: 2 - 3 = 0/150
Level: 3 - 4 = 0/200

And so on.

Man I want to play another RPG game ugh. Also, I want to test things out. Intelligence, does it only means how smart I can be or just magic. It's possible in this world since I am referring it to Akako's magic. But who knows? Maybe it's my IQ that's raised up. Ugh too much thinking I'm going to explode soon.

I tapped my icon and pressed on the Intelligence button. It raised up to one. So lets see. If I held my hand out, it must be blue because I like blue. And it must be blue fire. Yeah, let's try to generate it.

(Note: sorry let me put it here so it's easier)

Strength : 1
Dexterity : 0
Intelligence : 1
Vitality : 1
Defence : 1

(Okay back to da story)

Cautiously. I stretch my arms out and widely openly my hand. Slowly, I see little fire forming around in the middle of my palm. I try to generate more and only that much has been made. The fire disappeared. Wow I can create magic fire. What kind of sorcery? I guess the Intelligence is about magic; not intelligence. Wait, but it clearly said before that it is about your smartness what the heck?

I checked again and hold the 'Intelligence' stat. It said about your magic energy. The more the stats, the more the Magical attack.

"What? But before it told me about my smartness. How the heck it changed?" I muttered.

The text box showed up again.

Because you have obtained the Pandora and it is in your eye. You can't really take it out or doing anything about it. Unless you want to rip it out from your eye socket. ;)

"Ugh you're so annoying." I snorted.

No~ Don't say that! I'm always bored behind that screen of yours. You know, you're very entertaining for me. ^-^ Like I could just talk to you non stop but you're refraining me from doing so. You keep shutting me up. Have feelings towards me! ;~;

"No. Objects have no feelings." How dumb am I? A few hours back I said smartphones have feelings...and here I am saying the opposite. Oops.

I do! Can't you feel the emotions I am giving to you right now just by talking. Besides, you said your red bag has feelings and you softly stroke your bag like it's your bag. Why can't you do that to me?

"First, you can just feel my touch by me swiping you back and forth. Second, you're creepy. Why would I want to stroke you? Third, you're not real. Maybe you have an Artificial intelligence inside this phone that you could talk like that. So you don't exactly have emotions." Haha lies, Ani. You are lying.

Excuse me? Um are you dumb? I am real. But you can say that I am someone behind this screen of yours. Who knows?  Hahahahahahaha loser. Jk you're a winner.

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