Chapter 14

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I clutch my phone, gripping it tighter. Frustration of choosing my own path is difficult as I thought, almost as if it was like a life or death situation. I was grinding my teeth now, so infuriating. But then I let my thoughts aside and chill for a moment. I jump off the stool and tilt my head around. I was about to ask Agasa about me going out for a while, but he isn't here.

I felt like I need to take a walk outside even though I never like going out much. But I did. Maybe I should go where Conan is, no maybe not. I'll just walk around and come back here again.

I stroll out from the door, closing it as I left. The afternoon breeze touch my face as I felt much more better. I walked out of the gate and close it, then roam out.

After a while, I came back. That took 10 minutes. I felt in ease now after all that. I don't know why was I angry about what decision I was doing, what a waste of time. I should really upgrade my stats now. I didn't even have the time before.

No one was around still but I guess I could go in and out again. I went to the couch and sat down there since it is comfortable you know. I took out my phone from the pocket of my jacket and started to swipe. I didn't have the energy to even get all hype again. I check the stats again. I added all ones except for Dexterity and if I re-read it again, it can deal critical damage when you hit an object or anything. Detailed explanation. That was sarcasm.

I have 12 remaining points now and I should just use...7. I'm going to make them all even because I always do that in my games. I know, not the best tactic. So...

Strength : 3
Dexterity : 2
Intelligence : 2
Vitality : 3
Defence : 2

Total remaining points: 0

Okay I end up double tapping Vitality because it was annoying me and it wasn't responding when I tapped once. I can be not patient.

Anyhow, me being dumb again. I sigh. I'm going to take a nap on the couch because I am not bothered to move anyway now. Whoops, sleeping time.


And you could say I sleep for so long but when someone annoys me, I will slice their throats and let them suffer. So you could say, I was having another blissful sleep where no one actually woke me up. That, I woke up by myself, groaning because of the damn lights from the window. Window? I thought the lights were from the ceiling. But I guess I am wrong.

A bright light shine on my eyes as I shield my eyes from the direct light source. I weakly woke up, tired and kinda in a bad mood. I felt a soft blanket fall from my chest when I sat up, slouching. I rubbed my eyes and yawn widely.

"Where did my phone go..." I mumbled as I check my pockets for my phone which isn't there. Weird, I remember putting it inside one of my pockets. I look around just my eyes squinting. I slap my face. My glasses were somewhere also. Thanks whoever put away my stuff. Where have you gone, phone and glasses.

Despite my eyes being blurry from far away, I could see anything infront about 50 cm which is not that bad compare to my other friends. Other than that, where the heck did my stuff.

I started to look at the table which is close to me. There isn't anything there. Ugh is someone trying to mess with me.

Psst! Ani! Ani-chan! I'm here!

P-Pandoru? You can talk in my thoughts? Oh wait.

Yeah I can talk, duh. Anyways that dirty old man is up to something again. He even took your glasses!

Ugh fine. But he won't destroy my glasses won't he? I can't see very well without them. Where is it now? Also, where are you?

I'm in his lab or some sort. Oh no I see it, he is going to make something explode. WAIT IS THAT YOUR GLASSES- ANI-CHAN GET THE GLASSES BACK I KNEW SOMETHING FISHY IS GOING ON WITH HIM!

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