Chapter 15

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(Idk how Japanese Schools time table work so I'm going to use my school's timetable ya.) (My ideas r lame zos sorry lol) (so unoriginal)

First break came as the fourth period came to an end. I puff and sigh as slouch onto the desk. I really don't understand math at all. Why am I a second year when I can be a first year. This stuff is too hard. But atleast I could understand it.

"Kouketsuna-san, are you okay?" The Vice president ask. Isn't the vice president suppose to be in a 3rd year of their school life? I don't know anymore.

I look up to the girl and smiled weakly. "Maybe...I just don't like school but I have to go. The other school I went was far more worse but I think I would do fine here." I said quite lowly. For a slight moment, she look at me quite worried but smile back at me.

"So, do you need help getting to know the place or-"

I raised my hand to her face. "I'm actually fine. I just going to be in another sleep once again. Life isn't fun." I groaned, tired already.

"Well if you need anything just ask me! I can sure help you." She said joyfully as I cringe.

You know I am trying to stop talking to you but you keep on continuing talking.

"Right, right." I said, trying to shoo her away. Gladly, she went off to do something and I laid my side face on the table, looking out to the window. Maybe I shouldn't eat. Later maybe.

My eyes slowly closed until I heard a chair being pulled out infront of me. It's probably that guy or girl something so I ignored it. Until I felt such creepy stare infront of me that I had to take peak. An intense stare was staring at me and startled me, making myself jerk back in surprise.

"Your name...Kouketsuna..." The brown hair boy that sat behind me talked lowly but softly. He laid his chin on the top of the back seat, sitting at the opposite direction on the chair. I tilted my head. What does he want?

"Yeah...what about it?" I ask, blinking.

"I need to ask you something. Come to the rooftop after school, I'll be waiting." He said.

"Why? What for?" I ask more questions. He stood up from his chair, slide his hands into his pockets and went out of the classroom as I watch him go.

Mysterious type huh...

I wonder? Maybe he is the first one to find out your feminine figure.

Oh no that would be bad. Wait, I am half expecting anyone to find out.

Or maybe he is one of the 'Players'.

Don't you try to make me be cautious of everyone right now you insolent prick.

Alright! Alright! I wasn't even trying you anyways... Though you still should be careful. Who knows? They might be enemies infront of you know but hidden them selves.

Right, okay, I will take your advice.

I softly patted my pocket where my phone was and smiled. Maybe he could be help in some kind, maybe. Now, I think, I should be careful. This isn't a safe place anyway.


After school came as everyone left the class and I was alone. You could day I wasn't bothered to stand up, for like 20 minutes since there are no buses to wait like in that world. I go home with a bus usually, and I don't like walking much because I am lazy.

I push my seat as I stood up, standing behind the chair and push it to the desk, grabbing my book bag that was hung beside the desk and swung it over my shoulder. I exhale as I barely remember I have to go up to the rooftop. Isn't typical rooftop thing in anime kinda mainstream at this point? Well this is anime world thing, and no doubt this type of scenario would happen. Of course I made Pandoru to be the navigator again to lead me up the stairs.

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