Chapter 44

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-Shizuku's Pov-

I ran as fast as I could, trying to get to him as quick as possibly I could. She might be in trouble already, close to death even. I don't want that. I have the urge to myself. I know I shouldn't but I need to.

I was slowly breathing heavily, I ran about 20 minutes now. I was known as best at sports back in the real world, that thing I was best on is applied in this world. Quite happy about that. In few metres away, I saw the small figure getting closer to the agency. I called his name for him to notice me and he turned his head around with his hands in his pockets. He was surprised to see me.

He waited for me to come, slowing down and calm myself down. I needed to know. With determination shown over my face, I intently look at him to his eyes. I pressed my lips together before uttering out.


"I know what you're thinking." He cutted me off, very calmly. "You want to know where is she."

I nodded desperately. His face turned into a very serious, stern look. His head slowly fallen forward and glanced down. The atmosphere was tense, I couldn't help it but my heart beat was rising up again even though it calmed down from the running. I had fear in my eyes. Light shone on his glasses, making his eyes not visible.

"She got kidnapped." He bitterly muttered.

I didn’t want to believe, but this is Conan that Ani trusted, so I should. She would often smile around him, everytime she smiled, my heart strings would snap. It took almost 5 minutes to take in those words. I exhaled deeply before talking.

"Right..." I was trying to keep things calm. I don't want another outburst happening to me again if I lost another person I love. "Do you know where abouts Ani is?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I'm about find out though. Tonight." That kept my head up. He smirked. "That is, when the witch can do her job."

Witch? I don’t think I remember a witch hanging around, or that Ani was having her own hangout with me. I kinda feel left out with her and her character friends. But hey, I should trust this guy anyway.

"Ah, right." I pretended to know what he meant which I clearly don't.

"I need to put away my things before going away." He said.

"Where exactly?" I asked.

"My mother is coming and I have to meet her." He said, doesn't seem to pleased about it. "I need to tell Ran I'll be in Agasa's house for a couple of days, cause you know. It will be a hectic for a while, judging from the past week we all have seen and went through."

"I can see that." I chuckled. "I can wait for you here."

"Thanks for that, I know you're desperate anyway." He gave that teasing smile. I rolled my eyes. He knows what's up anyway.

"Just go." I groaned. He smiled and went up. I waited for a while. I blushed for a moment of thinking Ani until Kyuta decided to butt in.

As always, getting flustered?

Shut up. It's not always I am.

Well you should rethink about her anyway. I heard that she reads kinky things, have a weird intense imagination for her own age.

I don't understand-

She's a dirty little girl.

There was silence. I...wasn’t sure about that. I mean, she's always aggressive with her actions and her being, that?

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