Chapter 35

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"Oops, I missed."

"How could you possibly missed her?! Again! Oh my life!" Kiryuu yelled, enraged, talking into her small microphone speaker around her ear, pressing it gently. "You idiot!"

"Sorry, miscalculated the wind direction. It blew the other way." One responded from the other side, looking through the scope to see what happens next. Kiryuu sighed, sitting on the toilet bowl with lid closed. She is in the toilet stall, crossing her leg.

"Now this scary silver hair will probably threaten me now. He's evil." She scowled and grunted. "And you always miscalculate the wind direction, what the is wrong with you?"

"Reason why he is part of the organization? Also, you. Why can't you do the sniping? If you're so bothered about nagging me with the miscalculation of the wind direction. I am an amatuer and not fully capable of sniping. Why did they decide for me to do the sniping already." He ask to himself, annoyed.

"I am in school, I can't possibly do that. And that Ahiru girl is probably suspicious about me. Or that Kaname guy. Plus I have not mastered sniping. You know that right?! You could shoot plenty of metres away when you first started training, and not you deliberately missed such easy target that you could taken her out easily!" She hollered once more.

"Now isn't that why you're good with swords?" He smirked, pulling away from the scope and look at the distance.

"Possibly, and why am I called Honeydew? Well, I actually like the name the Boss gives me." She chuckled sweetly.

(Honeydew is a type of melon i thought it was like a type of alcohol but it was a cocktail and I was like 'fuck it nobody cares' so I just put it in.)

"He calls most members with the names of the alcohol drinks." He sighed. "And it seems that raven haired girl left with that guy. She's been alerted." He heard people running from the other side. Kiryuu noticed it also. She grinned. She went silent until the sound dispersed gradually. Only then she felt a presence of two people.

"Right Daiquiri, I think I need to act now." She grinned, taking the katana that leaned next to her, clutching the scabbard which it been sheathed. "Talk to me later."

(You should realise how much I need to research this crap okay and so Idk the basic concepts of a katana and its saya and it holder thing wtf. Saya is bascially the scabbard and seathing is a thing okay. Go research more for all I care smh) (sorry just keep reading)

She stood up, holding her not sheathed sword and unlocked the bathroom stall. She look at herself on the mirror. So elegant, so pretty but yet average. What reason would the Black Organization would be after that girl? What did she done wrong to anger the boss? Unless she holds something secret and that caught their attention. She snickers and walked out of the bathroom.

"And one thing," She halts at the entrance of the bathroom, raising an eyebrow. "I am sure you saw something from her that is unreal." Daiquiri's voice came up again.

"Yes, but, I will find a way." She sweats, but no fears could be rushing right now. She trained enough to become part of the Black Organization. A ruthless group of people.

"She might even kill you if you're not too careful. There's a big difference between this. And we haven't told that Gin person and our boss." She bit her lip.

"They would not believe us in any sort of way. Plus he is always watching us. I am sure messages have been passed on since then."

"That's true, well now-"

"I will be going. Best of luck, Daiquiri. Plastic bombs?"

"Installed. Best of luck, HoneyDew." She gripped her sheathe tighter and walked out.

The Entrance To Detective ConanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora