Chapter 36

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Kaito hummed silently to himself while thinking. He wouldn't know how would he deal with these. Two problems at once, not a great ideal to cram that in. And to think that Pandora still in her eye, man that is tough.

He ran his fingers through his hair and grunted. Akako picked something up in her mind, startling her. She briskly turn around and looked out to the distance through the fence around the rooftop. Her eyes twitched.

"Kuroba, that girl is in trouble. I can feel it." She said, standing still. Kaito raised an eyebrow up.

"Trouble, as in, with her eye?" He question. Akako shook her head.

"Not her eye, but fighting with someone. And not only that, there's someone with a katana." She said emotionless.

"What! Where?" He inquired, seems troubled by it.

"In her school. But it's too far away from here to her school. You wouldn't make it in time." As soon she turn around, Kaito made a run. "Hey! Don't be too hasty."

"Shut up, she's in danger!" He yelled and bash open the door. He knows it might be too late since it is far. With that, he quickly took out his phone and send a text to Conan, hopefully he would read the text as soon as possible. He pressed enter, hurrying down to the stairs until there was Saguru that was headed up towards the roof. Without stopping, he bumped into him, falling down to the floor since that was the last flight of stairs.

They both collided on the floor, Kaito on top of Saguru. Kaito's phone slid out of his hands, hurling it over to the wall of the corridor, hitting window and then dropping down to the floor. But, they weren't in a good position. Kaito manage to push up from Saguru. The blond detective open his eyes and look up to Kaito. They both knew in an instant, this position isn't meant for them.

(Since this position is for Shinichi and Kaito smh)

"H-Hakuba..." Kaito slowly called his name, awkwardly getting off him. Saguru sat up, rubbing his sore back since he landed on his back.

"Kuroba-kun, you should know running down the stairs can be dangerous." He said, glancing at him. Kaito laughed weakly. He then realised there's no time to waste and promptly stood up.

"Sorry Hakuba I am in a hurry. Talk to you soon." He grabbed the phone near the wall and ran through the corridors.

"Oi wait Kuroba-kun!" He called, standing up. He saw Kaito running, heading to the next stairs and running down. Saguru followed him rapidly, wondering what's up.


Conan's lesson time was over and lunch began. He did notice an another buzz under his table which it is his phone. Usually, he wouldn't even bother checking it because of that pesky thief that keeps sending him weird messages -and some looked flirtatious- to him. But for now, he said to himself that maybe he should check it at least once.

He checked his messages, only one. He rolled his eyes and opened it, until his eyes widen.

Black Organization is on the move. Shit!

"Conan-kun? Are you okay?" Ayumi behind him asked. Conan turned around and saw her face.

"No, I just don't feel well. I need to go the nurse. Tell the teacher I won't be here." Conan said, walking out of the classroom, almost as if he was hurrying.

The rest of the Detective Boys came to Ayumi, who was simply worried what on earth is going on with Conan. It seems that Ayumi and others were quite suspicious with him nowadays, and getting the curiosity within them. They would probably back down and seems nothing is going on. But the way Conan quickly walked out seems not normal for them.

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