My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Twelve

Start from the beginning

          "We're like, from the same class."

          "No, I mean you." That's when I realized that she was talking to me.

          "Uh, you just said that you know who I am..."

          "I meant, like, met you in person." She said.

          "Maybe you two bumped into each other during a live show or the red carpet?" Ryan shrugged.

          "No. I haven't been to any of those." She mumbled.

         "Oh, well, you can get them tickets for free." Ryan laughed. "Uh, from me, of course. I mean, I can get you free tickets to places like live shows for Katy Perry, or the red carpet, or even the address to Megan Fox's doorstep!"

          "That seems nice." She smiled. "Hmm, okay. I'll see you around." She waved slightly and disappeared.

          "Man, the back of her head is so cute..." said Ryan dreamily.

          "Megan Fox's doorstep? Seriously?"

          "What? She might be interested."

          "Uh-huh." I said lazily.

          "And hey, did she just say that you two met?" he asked curiously.

          "That's what she said, but I don't remember her face."

          "Maybe she's your childhood friend?"

          "You know where I spent my childhood in. I'd remember if that were true."

          "But you two must've met in person..." he stopped midsentence. "You met a cute girl and you didn't tell me?!"

          "Wait, what?"

          "Oh my gosh you are so freaking selfish!" he screamed like a whiny kid and walked away.

          Okay, what just happened?

          "Alex." I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned around.

          "Why, hello there Katie." I beamed.

          "Call me that one more time and you'll be sleeping outside tonight." She warned.

          "Okay, fine, I'm sorry." I smiled wryly. "What? Are we leaving?"

          "School isn't over yet you dummy."

          "Oh, right..." I murmured. "Then why are you here?"

          "To give you the keys, unless you volunteer to wait outside."


          "I'm not returning home after school until dinner time." Said Kate. "I have something to do."

          "What? Did I earn you another detention? If I did I'm sorry."

          "No. And if you did you wouldn't even be here right now." said Kate while rolling her eyes. "I'm just not going home early."


          "Ugh, why should you care? And by the way, don't even think about touching the doorknob of my room door or you'll really get it this time." She warned.

          "I really didn't invade your dresser!"

          "Just lay a finger and you're done."

          "Wait, where are you going after school? I have to know."


          "Fine, I want to know." I said. "After all, we are housemates now so I think I deserve the right to know this."

          She didn't say anything after that, but she was hesitating. Why is she hesitating? Since when does Kate hesitate? She's always the directs and loud person, not the kind of person who has second thoughts. At least, she's not like that when it comes to me. Wait, is her face turning red?


          "Shut up!" she screamed. "So what? We're just friends."

          "You're going out with Drake? Like, on a date? After school?"

          "Yes. Are you happy now?"

          "Oh gosh I certainly did not see that coming." I smirked.

          "Why? Because I'm not a popular person and I never get the guy?" she did a scary eye twitch and that almost looks vicious.

          "You don't have to be popular to get the guy." I muttered. "But yeah, pretty much."

          "I know that there's a ninety-nine percent chance that Drake will never like me, not even as a friend. It's the one percent chance that kept me moving on, and that's good enough for me." She said. "So, just get the keys and remember, lay a finger and you die."

          "Yeah, yeah whatever." I droned as I stuffed the keys into my pocket. That sounded so emotional. Like I said, she's a totally different person when it comes to him. Sure, he's the apple of her eye, but I never knew that he'd be that great. Looks like this using-Drake-as-my-shield plan is actually going to work out after all.

          By the way, what happened to Ryan?

          I'm still completely blur about the whole scene. We were just talking to Carolanne, and all of a sudden she claims that we met, and I said no, and Ryan started to get all sensitive and stormed off like a girl. Huh, ironic.

          Class was starting in less than five minutes, and I still have no idea where little Ryan is. Maybe he's hooking up with the new girl. Well, it looks like I'll have to go to class without him this time.

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