Chapter 59- Part 1

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Cora and Robert returned to Rosamund's. They went straight to their bedroom, ignoring Martha and Rosamund in the process. Martha and Rosamund looked at each other slyly and then turned to watch the couple retreat upstairs. 

Robert held open the door for Cora. As they both entered room silence over powered them. Neither of them new what to say. 

Robert vaguely coughed. 

"Robert, thank you for turning up when you did. Who knows what might of happened next" she said as she trembled.

"I have an idea of Mr Bricker intentions" Robert retorted.

Cora rose her eyebrow. Robert sat next to her on the bed.

"What I really want to know is how he knew where to find you" he asked suspiciously. Cora gulped physically.  

How was she going to talk her way out of this one?

"Well Robert, I had received a letter from Mr Bricker the previous day" Cora said almost quietly.

She was waiting for Robert to erupt into a rage anger, however he didn't. 

"I see" he said as he stroked his chin "and may I ask what the letter said?" he added 

Cora looked deeply into his eyes, she could tell he was upset that she had hidden something from him. 

"Well, he wrote and said that he was returning to London, to retrieve me" she answered timidly. 

Silence took hold of the couple. Robert had no words for Cora.

She stood up and walked towards the window and looked out of it. Tears slowly slipped out of her eyes. She couldn't control her emotions. Cora then felt to strong arms wrap around her waist. She turned to face Robert. She looked puzzled. Robert stroked her cheek, this made Cora blush crimson. 

"Cora, don't think that I am angry because I am not. I'm only hurt because you didn't tell me that Mr Bricker had written to you. Didn't you have enough faith in me to trust me judgement?" 

This broke Cora's heart. "That wasn't it at all. We were finally getting along and I didn't want anything or anyone to ruin it" she replied trying to hold back her sobs.

She looked to the ground and walked towards her dressing table and sat down. Robert followed and knelt down beside her. 

"I understand Cora, really I do."

This statement made Cora looked at Robert astounded.  "You do?" she questioned.

"Yes I do. You simply didn't want anything to come between us and I admire that. Your determination to keep the peace and calmness in any situation is always honorable. No matter the way you look at it"  

Cora smiled brightly, she gushed inside. "Thank you for saying that Robert. You didn't have to but you did" she grabbed Robert's hand and held close to her beating heart.

Robert couldn't believe his eyes. It was only weeks ago that Cora was packing to go to America. Only weeks ago that he had that dalliance with the maid, which he regretted instantly. Everything finally fitted in place. All the recent events had happened for a reason. 

He needed to understand her feeling of loneliness and solitude, which resulted in her receiving attention else where, and she needed to understand that Robert found it hard to show his feelings. However he showed them when it really mattered and that was what made Cora fall in love with him all those years ago. 

The next things before Cora knew she and Robert were kissing. She ran her fingers through his hair, she wrapped her arms around his neck. The long awaited moment finally happened. 

Robert held Cora close in his arms. The scent of her perfume tingled his senses. He ran his fingers through her raven hair. Her hair fell out of its hairstyle and it cascaded down her back. 

There was a knock at the door and Robert and Cora separated. She was trying to catch her breath. 

"Come in!" yelled Robert.  He stood up and walked towards the door.

In came Rosamund. "Are you both coming down, were finishing the last preparations for the wedding" she said asked she eyed Cora and Robert suspiciously.

"Yes were coming down"

Rosamund nodded and left the room.

Robert turned to face Cora. She giggled as Robert held out his hand for Cora to take it. She did. 

Robert kissed her on the cheek and she blushed again. They made their way out of the bedroom. 

This book will be coming to an end shortly and finally we've had a moment happen between the down and drab couple.

Who knows what happens next, keep your eyes peeled!


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