Chapter 31-

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It was Monday. Cora had a restless night. Through the night she took a turn for the worst. Baxter hadn't left Cora's side. Martha was walking on egg shells whenever she was around Robert. She hadn't told him that Simon was on his way to Downton. Martha sat next to her daughter. Cora had been vomiting continuously. Baxter tried her best to make Cora feel comfortable. Martha began to speak to her daughter.

"Cora my dear it's your Mama. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere".

Mary and Edith entered the bedroom. They were shocked to see that their Mothers condition had gotten worse. Mary grabbed her hand.

"Mama it's Mary. You must get better. We need you. I need you. George and Sybbie need you".

Cora then vomited. Her nose began to bleed aggressively.

"Telephone Dr Clarkson. Hurry Edith". Mary ordered. Edith ran down the corridor and then down the stairs past her Papa. He knew that something was wrong. He ran to Cora's bedroom. He opened the door to see Cora coughing and vomiting. He grabbed hold of her hand and placed his other hand on her forehead. She was burning up.

"Where's Dr Clarkson?". He shouted.

"Edith has to telephone him now". Mary explained.  Cora began to speak.

"Robert I'm sorry".  That was all Cora had managed to say. Robert looked at Martha. She glared at him. He then spoke to Cora.

"Don't speak. Save your strength. Dr Clarkson is on his way".

Cora's nose began to bleed again. Gushing more than last time. Baxter quickly wiped away the blood. Robert looked at Baxter.

"Baxter thank you for looking after her. You must go lie down".

"No thanks M'Lord. I would like to see her through the worst of it".

Robert nodded. Everyone stood in utter shock.

......10 Minutes Later......

Dr Clarkson was examining Cora. Her chest was rather wheezy and she kept fidgeting. Robert walked over to Dr Clarkson.

"Is she going to be okay?". Robert asked.

"If she makes it through the night then she'll live".

Edith's heart sunk. "Oh my God".  Robert had tears in his eyes. Martha looked sad. Mary was astonished.

........4 Hours Later.......

Robert, Mary, Edith, Rose, Tom and Martha were sat down for dinner. It didn't feel right without Cora. Tom then spoke up.

"I think we should pray".  Mary, Edith, Rose, Martha and Robert nodded. They stood up and held hands.

"Oh Lord we ask you to give us strength through this difficult time. We pray that Lady Grantham pulls through. We pray for the friends and family. Please Lord help us. Amen".

"That was lovely Tom". Edith said.

"Yes it was. Thank you". Robert said. Tom nodded and smiled. Barrow then entered.

"Yes what is it Barrow?".

"Excuse me M'Lord Mr Bricker is here to see you. He said he heard about Lady Grantham's illness. He is waiting in the library". He said calmly.

"Okay thank you Barrow".  He left.

"What is Mr Bricker doing here and how does he know that Cora is sick?".

Martha slowly sunk into her seat. All eyes appeared on her. Robert stood up.

"You alerted Mr Bricker. You weren't on the telephone to Harold it was Bricker".

"Is this true?" Mary asked. Martha looked apprehensive.

"Yes it's true. I only told him because I thought he had a right to know".

"Oh did you? Well that was very kind of you".  Robert said sarcastically. "Excuse me while I go deal with Mr Bricker". Robert looked angry. He was prepared to fight for Cora. Even if it meant being physical.

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