Chapter 13-

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It was Tuesday. Mary had bought a lot from the fashion parade. Edith had met someone at the Newspaper and had dinner with him. Cora skipped breakfast and went to meet Simon.

..........1 Hour Later.........

Cora and Simon were walking through the Park.  They reached the bandstand and sat down. Simon took Cora's hand in his. "How are things between you and Robert?".

"Nothing's changed. He still has no idea. To make matters worse my Mother and Robert's Mother have their suspicions. The irony of it all is that they know more about my marriage then Robert does". A single tear dropped from her eye. Simon was quick to wipe it away.

"Cora, Robert doesn't deserve you. You're clever, affectionate, compassionate and many other things.  You're a remarkable Woman". Cora blushed. She was overcome with warmness. She hadn't been complimented like that ever before. "I love you Cora".

A huge smile appeared on Cora's face. "I love you too Simon". Simon then kissed Cora. He didn't care about what anyone thinks. It wouldn't matter to him. People in the park would think that they were married and he liked that.

.........Meanwhile at Downton Abbey........

 Robert and Tom were looking at a nearby farm on the estate. Robert was distracted. He was thinking of Cora and what she was doing London. Most of all who she was with. Tom spoke up. "Robert go to London. It's clear you want to be with Cora. I can look after things here".

"I can't leave the estate needs me". Robert explained. "Robert this is what Cora meant. You need to put your marriage first and Downton second. Otherwise you'll lose her". Tom tried to be a subtle as he could but he was being very blunt. "It pains me to say this Tom but I think your right". Robert walked as fast as he could back to Downton. He was gonna catch the next train to London. He wanted to be with his Wife. 

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