Chapter 27-

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It was Sunday Afternoon and Cora was sat outside on the bench. She hadn't reed the second letter yet. She wanted to read this letter in private. She opened the letter and recognised the hand writing. It was Simon's. She started to read.

My Darling Cora,

How are you? I haven't heard anything of you since we last spoke. Is everything okay at Downton? How are things between you and Robert? I hope it's bearable for you. I hate to think of your surrounded by pain, misery and anger. I must ask you. Do you love me? I love you with all my being. I know you're scared about the consequences of us being together. I need to know. Are you willing to put your reputation aside to leave Robert? You deserve to be truly happy. To be with someone who values your opinions. Someone who accepts you in every single way, flaws and all. I want you to be at my side at all times. I want to treat you like a Queen. Forever by my treasure. You would be free from your duty of being a Wife and Countess of Grantham. You would no longer be obligated to others. It would be me and you. I must tell you that I got a letter from your Mother. She was very understanding but also confusing. She told me you're going to America. I have decided to come too. I will leave the day after tomorrow "Tuesday). We will be together soon my love.

                                                 Love as Always, Simon x

Cora had mixed emotions. She was going to America to get away from the drama. Cora couldn't believe her Mother had written to Simon behind her back. Had she done her a favour? Was it a blessing in disguise?

The wind blew Cora's fallen curls. It wasn't too hot nor too cold. She was deep in her thoughts when she heard someone make a vague cough from behind. She had her back to the unknown person. She daren't turn around. A couple of minutes passed. Cora plucked up the courage to turn around. When she did she saw Robert standing there. 

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