Chapter 56- Part 1

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Cora and Robert arrived at the lotus lounge. The waiter showed them to their table. Robert pulled out Cora's seat like the gentleman he was.

"Thank you Robert" Cora said sweetly. Robert smiled brightly, so far so good he thought to himself.

Robert sat down opposite Cora; they both looked at their menus. Seconds later the waiter approached the table to take their orders.

"The cream and broccoli soup looks appealing. I will have that. What about you Cora?" Robert asked

Cora was scanning her menu thoroughly. She was looking for a dish that had a particular sentimental meaning to her.

"I will have the baked lingcod with the lemon- garlic butter sauce" Cora said slyly.

The waiter took down their orders and left the table. Robert suddenly leaned in and whispered to Cora.

"I know why you choose that particular dish. That was the very same dish you ordered on our first date. I distinctively remember" Robert responded.

Cora laughed faintly. "I hoped that you'd remember".

"How could I not? I can recall that towards then end of the night I walked you back to your hotel and kissed you on the cheek"

"Yes and?" Cora prompted.

Robert smiled "And when I pulled away I could smell the Garlic on your breath".

"Yes and you pulled a face. You looked disgusted!" Cora burst into heaps of laughter. Robert sat staring at Cora, he was mesmerised.

"I wasn't disgusted, I was caught off guard".

Cora tilted her head slightly. "Call it what you may, but we both know that you were disgusted".

Robert just shuck his head. "So how are Rosamund and Wilber's wedding preparations coming along?"

Cora took a sip of water "Nothing's been set in stone yet. She was to discuss the Wedding this afternoon"

"I wonder if she'll keep the wedding low key" Robert questioned.

"When has Rosamund done anything low key. She may have married Marmaduke under the radar but this time round with the whole family here she'll want to have a very flamboyant wedding" Cora remarked.

"Too true. Well I guess you and the girls will need all the luck you can get. You know how Rosamund can get, she is very bossy"

Cora's eyes widened "Rosamund's bossy? I would say you're the bossy one" she scoffed.

"Would you know? The same could be said for you" Robert replied.

Cora laughed "Me? I'm not bossy. No Robert you are the bossy one and you get that from your Mother".

"I'll give you that one, seen as Mama is bossy" Robert agreed. Cora and Robert were both acting as they used to be, like the married couple they were.

The waiter approached the table with their meals.

Cora and Robert both tucked into their meals.

"How do you think our Mothers are getting along?" Robert asked.

"I don't know, I had a discussion with Mama and Rosamund this morning and they both think that Violet has a hidden agenda" Cora replied.

"I'm afraid I'll have to agree with you. Mama is up to her old tricks again".

Cora sighed "I do wish that they'd both end their feud. Goodness knows what started it in the first place. I tried asking Mama and she point blank didn't respond".

"I never try to ask Mama, she refuses to give me an answer" Robert said.

Cora rolled her eyes. "Very well, this leaves us no choice but to intervene. When we get back to Rosamund's for dinner and there hasn't been any improvement then we will simply act on their behalf" Cora said boldly.

Robert looked unsure. "I don't know Cora. I say that we keep out of their dispute. You remember what happened last time between you and my Mother" Robert said worryingly. Without a second thought Cora grabbed Robert's hand. He smiled like a Cheshire cat.

"Oh Robert, I can handle your Mother. I've learnt how to deal with her outbursts".

Robert chuckled, he liked his Wife's enthusiasm and how she looked to improve any situation.

...............2 Hours Later............

Robert and Cora returned to Rosamund's home. They entered the lounge to see Martha and Violet squabbling and poor Isobel was in the middle of it.

Cora and Robert stood in the doorway and looked at each other cautiously. They didn't know that Rosamund was also stood behind them.

"What's wrong now?" Rosamund said sounding annoyed. Robert and Cora turned to face Rosamund.

"I really don't know. Something must have gone wrong on their outing" Cora answered.

"I have no clue but I feel sorry for Isobel". Robert added.

Violet and Martha were back and forth with snide remarks and Isobel was stood in the middle of the pair looking very tired.

"Why does Mama have to start, especially with my Wedding drawing near" Rosamund said sounding deflated. She left to go change. Robert and Cora still stood in the doorway.

Cora turned to face Robert. "We have to act" she said seriously and then left to change.

Robert stayed still watching his Mama slay his Mother in law.

Hope you all enjoy! x

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