Chapter 54- Part 2

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Everyone was in the dining room having their dinner. They were all engulfed in their own conversations. Wilber made a good impression on the family. Robert was seated next to Wilber. They were having a man to man conversation.

"Wilber I must be frank, do you love Rosamund?".

"No I understand your reasons for doubting my intentions. When I met Rosamund at Lord and Lady Garfield's party. I knew that she was someone special. I lost my Wife 5 years ago. I thought that I could never love again. Then that all changed when I met Rosamund. Believe me when I say that I love your sister". Wilber stated.

"Rosamund told me you're a lawyer, how's business at the moment?". Robert asked.

"Yes I'm a lawyer. I have been for 30 years. It's going fine, steady but fine". Wilber answered.

Rosamund looked over to where Robert and Wilber were sitting. They were really getting along. She leaned over to her left hand side where Cora was sitting. She was talking to Edith. She tapped Cora on the arm.

"Yes Rosamund?".

"It looks like Robert and Wilber are getting along. Isnt that great?". Rosamund was over the moon. Cora looked over to see Robert laughing with Wilber. It made her smile.

"I agree. You defiantly have Robert won over. Hopefully it won't take long to persuade your Mama".

Rosamund raised her eyebrow. "You must be joking. Wilber will still be trying to win round Mama after were married". Rosamund joked. Cora laughed.

..............2 Hours Later..............

It was 10.00 pm. Rosamund, Cora and Robert was in the lounge still entertaining Wilber. After a while he had to leave.

"I must be going now. Rosamund, thank you for a lovely evening". He turned to Robert and Cora. "It was nice to meet you all. I hope eventually we can all become friends". Cora laughed.

"As Violet would say, "We have enough friends". Robert then interrupted.

"Your right there Cora. Any way you'll be part of the family".

"Even better. I only hope that your Mother will accept our relationship".

"Give her time dear. She will soon accept us. She will have to. I'm marrying you regardless what Mama says". Rosamund said.

Wilber admired Rosamund for her feistiness and for never letting people's opinions get in the way of her feelings. "Well I must be off. I'll see you all tomorrow. Good night Rosamund". He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"Goodnight Wilber". She looked at him lovingly. He then left.

Cora yawned. "Well I'm going up to bed".

Rosamund then gasped. "Oh I completely forgot. I don't mean to be personal but are you both sleeping in the same room?". Rosamund asked.

Robert titled his head slightly. "What are you asking Rosamund?". He said suspiciously.

"I mean I'm fully aware of your predicament and I wondered about your sleeping arrangements?".

Cora and Robert looked uncomfortable at each other. Robert stepped in. "Were currently in separate rooms. Why do you ask?".

"I ask because I'm afraid I don't have a spare room. Well I have a spare room it's just Martha is occupying it. Do you mind if you both sleep in the same room? I'm sorry to do this to you both". Rosamund sounded genuinely sympathetic. Cora and Robert looked really awkward.

"Well I don't mind, if it's alright with Cora?". Robert said with a hint of nostalgia.

Rosamund and Robert looked at Cora waiting for her reply. "Yes fine by me. We do need to sleep after all".

Rosamund sighed. "Oh thank heavens. I'll asee you both in the Morning". Rosamund left.

Cora and Robert stood at the bottom of the staircase. "Shall we go up?". Robert asked. Cora nodded and smiled faintly. They both headed upstairs.

..............15 Minutes Later.............

Bates and Baxter had dressed Robert and Cora for bed. They sat in their bedroom in silence. Neither of them knew what to say. Cora walked over to the bed and slipped of her dressing gown. Robert couldn't help but look at his Wife. She was beautiful. Cora climbed into bed and slowly pulled back the covers. She was very nervous. She hadn't slept in the same bed as Robert for a while now. Robert was also nervous however he saw this as an opportunity to speak to Cora privately. He also got into bed and layed on his back. Cora had brought a book and stated to read.

"What are you reading Cora?" he asked as he tried to take an interest.

"I'm reading Pride and Prejudice".

"I see" he said awkwardly.

"What do you think about Wilber Blakely?".

"He seems nice enough. Rosamund likes him a lot. That's all that matters". Cora quickly looked up from her book and saw Robert staring into space.

"Something troubling you Robert?". She asked concerned.

"I'm just thinking. Do you think that me and you can go for lunch whilst were in London?" he asked with a glimmer of hope. Cora put her book down. "I would love that very much Robert". She smiled sweetly.

Robert knew he had to make the time they shared memorable. He grabbed her hand and kissed it.

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