Chapter 54- Part 1

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The Crawley family arrived at the Train Station. Violet was moaning about the Train being late. Seconds later it pulled into the Station. "Finally, there's nothing more that I dislike then waiting for Trains" Violet stated.

"Why is that Granny?" Edith asked. "Because Edith, waiting for a Train is like being trapped in time" She remarked. Mary then spoke up. "There are many things Granny dislikes" She spat.

Everyone boarded the Train. Cora sat with Robert, Rosamund and her Mama. Violet sat with Isobel and Tom. Mary sat with Edith and Rose.

The Train pulled away from the Station slowly and Cora looked out the window. She noticed a man standing on the platform looking at her. It was Simon. Cora quickly turned her head. Her face turned pale incredibly fast. Martha noticed her daughters behaviour change.

"You feeling well Cora?".

Cora darted her head around and met her Mother's gaze. "Yes I'm well Mama". She said politely.

............................2 Hours Later...................

They all arrived in London and got off the Train. Rosamund walked over to where her Mama, Robert and Cora were standing.

"I forgot to tell you; at Downton I telephoned Wilber to ask him to come meet you all. He will be joining us for dinner tonight".

"That's rather soon, don't you think?". Robert said as he looked stunned.

"I disagree Robert; I want to meet this Wilber Blakely as soon as possible".

"I like your enthusiasm Mama. I told Wilber to come at 7. That gives us plenty of time for you all to get settled in". Rosamund answered. Everyone nodded and headed to Rosamund's home.

..............At Rosamund's Home...............

Cora sat with Rosamund in the lounge. They were talking about Wilber.

"Are you worried about your Mama and how she will act when she meets Wilber?". Cora asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

"I am actually; we both know what Mama is like. She'll give him a complete roasting".

Cora laughed "Well me and Robert are here to play referee if needs must". She joked.

"Yes you are both here, aren't you?" Rosamund teased.

"Yes we are". Cora grinned at Rosamund . She was hoping for Cora to tell her more but that's all she said. It made Rosamund suspicious and that's what Cora was aiming for.

............5 Hours Later............

It was 7.15 pm and everyone was waiting to meet Wilber. Violet was growing inpatient.

"Trust Rosamund to pick a man who's late to meet the family of his bride to be. I wonder if he will be late for the Wedding." Violet scoffed. Rosamund shuck her heard with dismay. Robert stepped in to calm the situation. "Play nice Mama".

Rosamund's butler then entered. "Mr Blakely has arrived Mrs Painswick".

"Show him in Carter".

Mary then turned to Tom and Rose. "How long do you think Granny can hold back before she interrogates the poor chap?". Rose giggled.

"Knowing Violet, not long".

"Rose is right. I give it 5 Minutes". Mary then butted in. "More like 5 seconds".

Mary, Rose and Tom started to laugh. Rosamund looked at them coldly. They suddenly stopped laughing.

Rosamund's butler held open the door and in came Wilber Blakely. Rosamund stood up and walked up to meet him. She held out her hands and Wilber took them.

"Rosamund, my darling. I'm so happy your back. I have missed you". Wilber kissed Rosamund on both cheeks. Violet then coughed.

"Aren't you going to introduce us my dear?".

"Of course I am Mama. Wilber this is my Mother, Violet".

"How do you do?". Wilber asked as he held out his hand. Violet just starred at it. Wilber then pulled his hand away. "Nice to meet you Mr Blakely".

"Please call me Wilber" he said charmingly. "I'll let you know when we are on a first name basis". Rosamund glared at her Mother. "Mama, don't be rude. Wilber this is my brother Robert".

"Lord Grantham, it's a pleasure to meet you". Robert stood up and shuck hands with Wilber. "Call me Robert. It's nice to meet you. Rosamund has spoken of you very fondly".

"Wilber this is my sister in law, Cora".

"Pleased to make your acquaintance".

"Nice to meet you Wilber". Cora said sweetly.

"Wilber these are my two niece, Mary and Edith".

"Charmed I'm sure" Mary spat.

"I've heard so much about you Wilber. I'm delighted to finally meet you". Edith said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Edith, Mary".

Mary smiled weakly. Edith elbowed her sister.

"Wilber this is Cora's Mother, Martha". Martha smiled back.

"These are my two distant cousins, Isobel and Rose". They both smiled pleasantly. "Nice to meet you Rose and Isobel".

"And lastly this is my nephew in law Tom".

"Ar Tom, you're the chauffeur right?".

Tom laughed faintly. "Yes you're correct, but I'm no longer a chauffeur".

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause offence".

"Don't worry; I regard it as a compliment". Tom shuck Wilber's hand.

"Being an ex-chauffeur, you would". Violet scoffed.

"Right lets go in for dinner".

"Please allow me to escort you too dinner Rosamund". Wilber said as he held out his arm.

"Thank you Wilber". Rosamund took his arm and headed to the dining room.

Cora and Robert stood up. She spoke to him. "Isn't he charming? Such a romantic".

"Makes me feel sick. In my opinion Romance is for the weak". Violet said as she butted into their conversation.

Cora and Robert looked at each other and laughed.

They all headed to the dining room.

Because these last few chapters are so detailed. I'm going to have to split them up into parts. This book will be soon coming to an end. :(

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