Chapter 16-

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Cora, Robert, Mary, Edith, Rose and Martha were on the Train going back to Downton. Mary and Rose were talking about the Fashion Parade. Edith was telling Martha about her young gentleman she met at the newspaper. Martha of course she likes the sound of Edith’s beau mainly because he is American.  Martha couldn’t wait to witness Violet’s reaction. Cora and Robert were both sat in silence. Robert was still seething from Cora’s revelation. Cora was disgusted with Robert’s reaction. She hoped that he’d understand. How could he? His Wife told him that she had feelings for another. Cora looked out the window. From the corner of her eye she noticed her Mother looking at her.

…….2 Hours Later…….

Everyone was back at Downton. Robert went into the Library. There was a maid crouched down cleaning the fire. He name was Jane Moorsum. She was startled by Robert’s appearance. “Oh M’Lord you startled me”. Jane got up.

“Don’t worry. What’s your name?”.

“Jane Moorsum M’Lord”. She managed to get the words out but she couldn’t believe the Earl of Grantham was actually acknowledging her.  “I’m new. I only started on Monday M’Lord”. Jane was feeling rather awkward. Robert was looking at Jane oddly. He didn’t care about her being a maid. Jane was very pretty. “I better get back downstairs M’Lord or Carson will have a heart attack”.  Robert chuckled.

“That sounds like Carson”. Jane curtsied and left the Library. Robert couldn’t stop thinking about Jane. She is human after all. Normally he wouldn’t converse with Maid’s but there was something different about Jane. She wasn’t the typical Maid. 

Downton Abbey-Cora's Predicamentजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें