Chapter 3-

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That night Cora and her family sat down to dinner. There was Cora, Robert, Violet, Isobel, Edith, Mary, Tom and Rose.  Violet was making small talk with Isobel. Mary and Tom were talking about the estate and Robert, Edith and Rose were also talking. Cora was the only one not speaking. She felt guilt ridden. She was so deep into her thoughts that she didn't realise that Violet was speaking to her. "I've written to your mother". Cora then turned to face Violet. "You wrote to my mother?". Cora looked confused. "Yes I have invited her to Downton I hope you don't mind". Cora looked straight through Violet. "No no it's fine. I think my mother is due a visit". She didn't want her mother to come to Downton she had enough on with Simon's visit. "When will my mother arrive?. Cora asked Violet. "She will be here on Friday". Cora looked shocked. "That soon?". Violet's eyes locked at Cora.  "Yes is that a problem?". Violet didn't understand Cora's reaction. She thought she would be overjoyed to see her mother. "No on the contrary I can't wait to see her". Mary then butted in. "Oh Grandma is coming. Is she bringing Uncle Harold with her?". Robert then spoke up. "I hope not. Harold is such a bore". Cora turned to face Robert. She didn't like the fact that Robert was making candid remarks about her brother. "Robert I know my brother is very different to you but do you have to make remarks like that?". Cora was disgusted with Robert. He ignored her and carried on eating. Cora sat in silence.

........1 Hour Later.......

Tom and Robert were in the Library having a night cap. Cora, Isobel, Violet, Mary, Edith and Rose were in the drawing room.  Isobel and Violet were talking. "It's really lovely that Doctor Clarkson cares for my opinions when it comes to medicine". Isobel felt happy. "God knows why". Violet didn't like Isobel and Doctor Clarkson's close friendship. She may even be a tad jealous.  "Maybe because I was a Doctor's Wife and I was a nurse". Isobel smiled. "Baffles me". Violet said. She enjoyed teasing Isobel. It kept her on her toes. Meanwhile Cora was staring into her coffee cup. She was engrossed in her deep thoughts when she was forced to come out of them. Rose sat next to Cora. "Cora are you okay. You seem somewhat different?".  Cora started to panic. "No I feel fine. Just a little hurt with what Robert said about my brother". She was still upset with Robert's remarks. "I'm sure Robert didn't mean it". Cora grabbed Rose's hand. "That's the problem he did". She smiled slightly and got up. "Goodnight Girls I'm off to bed". She then left and bumped into Carson. "Carson can you tell Baxter that I am going to bed". Carson nodded. Cora left and headed upstairs. Meanwhile in the Library Robert was also ready for bed. He sent for Bates.  Cora was now in bed and Robert entered the room. He got into bed next to her. She pretended to fall asleep to avoid talking to Robert. She rolled onto her side. A tear slid down her face which was followed by more tears. 

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