Chapter 20-

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Cora reached Robert's bedroom. She knocked and stood for a couple of seconds. She got no reply so she knocked again. Still nothing. Cora decided to walk into his room. She opened the door and saw Robert and Jane. Her heart sunk. Robert noticed Cora and stood up. He went to speak but Cora didn't give him the chance and left. Cora walked back down the corridor. It felt like a walk into the past. As she walked she started evaluate her life. Does Robert truly deserve her? Should she stay? Should she go?  Cora reached her bedroom and got into bed. She looked over to Robert's side of the bed. She then turned out the light and went to sleep.

.......The next day.......

It was Saturday. Cora awoke from a deep sleep. A frown appeared on her face. She remembered what she walked into last night. Cora began to cry.  Baxter then came. She quickly wiped away her tears.

"Morning M'Lady". Baxter said as she opened the curtains. "Morning Baxter". Baxter noticed Cora wipe away her tears. She looked concerned. "Are you okay M'Lady?".

 Cora looked up at Baxter.  "I'm fine thank you Baxter. Can you bring my breakfast to my room. I'm not feeling too good".

"Yes M'Lady. I'll go tell Miss Hughes".  Baxter smiled and left. When she walked down the corridor Robert pulled Baxter up.

"Baxter is my Wife up?". He prompted.

"Yes M'Lord. M'Lady is feeling rather ill so I am bringing her breakfast to her".  Robert knew Cora wasn't ill. She was trying to avoid him.

"Okay that will be all Baxter". She nodded and left.

Robert went to Cora's room. He knocked on the door. Cora ignored the door. Robert didn't knock again and he entered her room.

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