Chapter 55- Part 1

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"Good Morning" Cora rubbed her eyes and smiled at her husband who was already awake. The sun beamed through the half closed curtains. The sun highlighted Cora in her bed with a warm ray of light. Cora looked confused. It took her a matter of seconds to realise where she was. She was in London at Rosamund's home, for her Wedding. Robert, who was stood looking out of the window, pulled back the curtains. The room filled with light which blinded Cora. She turned her head and then flinched. What was Robert doing in her room? Cora then remembered that Rosamund had asked them to share a room. Her mini panic attack passed. She noticed a tray of breakfast at the foot of the bed. Undoubtedly for Cora as Ladies could eat breakfast in bed, but not the Men. Cora got up, put her dressing gown on and walked over to where Robert was standing.

"Would you like something to eat Robert?! Cora asked as she gestured to Robert to take some food of her tray. He looked deeply into her eyes and smiled sweetly.

"I'm fine thank you Cora" he answered politely. "I cannot possibly eat all of this food myself. Please have some Robert?" she looked at her husband with puppy dog eyes. Robert couldn't resist her charms.

"If that's what it takes to make you happy" he said adoringly. Robert picked up a slice of toast and buttered it. He turned to face Cora. She was sat at the dressing table counting all the wrinkles on her face. Cora sighed. She felt very old. Robert walked over to Cora and put one hand on her shoulder. She relaxed a little. Cora turned and looked up to Robert who was towering over her. She let out a little laugh. Robert looked puzzled.

"May I ask what is funny?" Robert said seriously. Cora calmed herself down. "You have a blob of butter in the corner of your upper lip" Cora replied trying not to laugh. Robert looked embarrassed.

"Oh right" he answered a she made several attempts to remove the blob of butter. He failed miserably. Cora chuckled. "Here let me help you" she got up and stood in front of Robert. She got her finger and removed the blob of butter. Robert starred down at his Wife and watched her attentively, focussed on removing the butter. She didn't make eye contact with him, but Cora was aware of him gazing at her. Robert looked deeply into her eyes. Cora tried her best not to look at her husband but she couldn't help herself. When she looked into his eyes, Cora felt her legs give way. Robert took hold of Cora's hand from his face and ran his fingers over and over her smooth, gentle skin. Cora smile grew wider and her eyes sparkled. She leaned in and planted a light kiss on Robert's cheek. Cora pulled away slowly and swung back and forth on the heels of her feet like an inpatient little girl. There was a knock at the door. It brought Cora and Robert back into reality. "Yes who is it?" Cora asked.

"It's Baxter M'Lady. Are you ready to get dressed M'Lady?" Baxter answered and asked from outside the door. Cora walked over to the door and let in Baxter.

"Yes, I'm ready to get dressed Baxter"

"Very good M'Lady" said Baxter as she placed Cora's clothes neatly on the bed. Robert sighed. Just when he was getting somewhere with Cora they got interrupted.

"M'Lord Bates told me to inform you that he is waiting in the dressing room".

Robert nodded. "Thank you Baxter" Robert headed towards the dressing room door and turned back to look at Cora, She was deep in conversation with Baxter. He then went to get changed.

..........20 Minutes Later...........

Rosamund was sat in the lounge with Martha. They were discussing Robert and Cora when she walked in.

"Moring my Dear, sleep well?" Martha quizzed slyly. She wanted to know if anything happened between the pair. Cora poured herself a cup of tea and sat down next to Rosamund.

"I slept very well" Cora replied shortly. Rosamund and Martha looked at each other cautiously. "Is that it? You just went straight to bed?" Rosamund asked bluntly forgetting Cora's personal life was just that personal.

"I did read a book" Cora replied sneakily. She knew that her Mama and Rosamund were fishing for more detailed information but Cora wasn't willing to give them what they want.

"I read Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice" Cora added.

Rosamund and Martha gave in. Cora changed the subject. "When should we start the Wedding preparations?" Cora asked.

"We can discuss the Wedding now, but not for long. I promised to meet Wilber for lunch".

"Very well, I'll spend the afternoon with Mama".

Martha took a sip of tea and choked on it. "Actually Cora I have plans. I made arrangements with Violet and Isobel to take an outing. Violet insisted showing me the wonders and splendour of London. I hope she doesn't try to push your old quaint English customs upon me. I'm 100% American" Martha answered proudly.

Rosamund intervened. "Well you may need to set Mama straight. She usually has a hidden agenda" Rosamund said giving Martha a cautious warning. Then again Martha knew something wasn't right when Violet invited her on this outing along with Isobel. Now she knew this hidden information she could use it to her own advantage.

"Thank you for warning me Rosamund. Now I know which is my best course of action to take. I know exactly how I'm going to handle this situation. Violet won't know what hit her" Martha said smugly.

Cora and Rosamund looked at each other wary. They knew fine well that Martha and Violet's feud would reach its climax and poor Isobel would be in the firing line.

Mary, Edith and Rose entered the lounge.

"Morning Ladies" Rosamund said cheery.

"Please lower your voice Aunt Rosamund. My head's spinning" Mary said almost quietly. She had a terrible hang over and was looking ruff. She sat down and starred at her cup of tea. Cora looked at her daughter stunned. She wondered how much Mary had to drink last night. Edith loved seeing her sister in this state. She secretly loved this moment.

"So what are the plans for today?" Rose said enthusiastically.

"Well I just told Cora that I'm meeting Wilber for lunch. I want to start the preparations for the Wedding this afternoon. Now I have to leave. I'll see you all when I get back". Rosamund then left to go meet Wilber.

Cora turned to face Mary, Edith and Rose. "Would you all like to go out for lunch, my treat?"

Mary, Edith and Rose didn't look keen on the idea.

"Actually Cora, I have plans" Rose said.

Cora tilted her head and looked suspiciously at Rose. "But you just asked what the plans were for today?" Cora said unbelievably.

"Yes I did, but I remembered I arranged to meet some friends whilst I was in London" Rose replied quickly. She was good at coming up with excuses very fast.

"Very well, how about it Edith, you and me go for lunch?" Cora said enthusiastically.

"Mama I think I'm going to go to the Newspaper. I've rather neglected my duties there".

Cora nodded her head understandably. She turned her attention to Mary.

Mary looked up to see her Mama gazing at her. "I'm sorry Mama; I'm going to visit Charles Blake. Perhaps Granny could accompany you?"

"Granny is going on an outing with Violet and Isobel" Cora looked glum.

"I'm sorry Mama. Perhaps we could go out for lunch tomorrow?" Mary tried to improve the situation. "Well that's better than nothing" Cora replied.

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