Chapter 60- Part 1

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The Crawley family were all now sat in the drawing room for dinner. Martha and Violet were still squabbling. The rest of the family were now at the end of their tether. Rosamund couldn't handle her Mama's behavior. Cora couldn't handle her Mama's attitude. She kicked Robert's leg from under the table, he immediately looked her way.

"It's time to intervene" she whispered. 

Robert nodded and cleared his throat. "Right this has got to stop! What on earth started this feud of yours?" he inquired. 

Martha and Violet stopped bickering and looked at Robert.

"Stay out of this Robert, this does not concern you"

Robert sighed. 

"It does concern me if you are in our company acting the way you are. Mama tell my you both despise each other" Cora ordered. 

"Very well my dear. The reason Violet and I don't get on is because moments before your wedding to Robert, Violet appeared to your Papa pleading with him to try and persuade you to change your mind about marrying Robert"

The room fell silent. Cora looked shocked as did Robert. 

"How do you know this Mama?" Cora questioned timidly.

"Well after your Papa refused Violet, he came looking  for me straight away to inform me about Violet's scandalize statement"

Cora couldn't believe her ears. Everything finally fell into place.

"That is why Papa was late back . He said he would only be gone a few minutes. I waited 20 minutes for Papa to return. I was worried that Robert might of thought I had abandoned him at the altar"

Violet still sat saying nothing to defend herself.   Robert looked outraged.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself Mama?" Robert demanded. 

"Well, the situation wasn't exactly how Martha painted it" she spat.

"Well i'm all ears. Lets hear your version of events"

Martha shot Violet daggers. There was no way she was going to wriggle herself out of this one. 

"Yes I did speak with Isidore and no I didn't plead. I never plead. I just simply asked him to re-evaluate this situation before the damage was done"

"Damage!?!" Cora shouted surprisingly. "how dare you say that. You had no right" Cora stood up and shot her napkin on her plate and left the room. 

The room fell silent again.

"Mama, how could you?"

"Yes Granny, how could you?" Mary spat.

"I don't have to explain my actions to anyone. It was over 38 years ago. Does it matter? your both married"

Robert shuck his head. "Of course it matters, It's highly relevant, and now you have gone and upset Cora" he paused and stood "If you will excuse me. I am going to go after Cora" he then left to go comfort his Wife.

Dinner had come to a somber end. The rest of the family avoided Violet for the rest of the evening.

Cora had cried herself to sleep. It broke Robert's heart to see his Wife this way. 

He would speak to her in the morning. He climbed into bed next to Cora and kissed her lightly on the forehead  and smiled faintly"

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