Chapter 48-

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Robert was frantically pacing up and down in the library. Cora, Martha, Mary, Edith, Rose and Tom had gone to bed. Violet and Isobel had also gone to bed. Robert wanted to go speak to Cora however he didn't know how to approach her. The longer they left ignoring the troubles in their marriage the less chance they had of ever coming back from this as a couple. Robert hoped that this whole situation would make them stronger. He could no longer contain his feelings and took a shot of whisky for Dutch courage. Robert headed for Cora's bed room hoping she was still awake. He walked up the stairs and down the never ending corridor when he stopped at Cora's bedroom, door. Robert was overcome with nerves however he knew he had to do this. If not for himself, but for his family. Robert opened the door ajar to see Cora fast asleep in her bed. He smiled at his Wife attentively. Cora's eyes casually fluttered now and again. She looked very peaceful. Cora rolled onto her side and faced Robert. She began to stir and slowly opened her eyes to find Robert staring at her fixedly. Cora was startled to see Robert stood looking at her. She sat herself up and looked oddly at her husband.

"Robert?". Cora questioned. Robert sat on the edge of her bed and looked deeply into Cora's eyes. "It's been far too long since I've last slept in this room. I love you Cora". Robert answered. Cora's eyes widened. She was blown away by Robert's words.

"Robert, I don't know what to say". Robert grabbed both her hands. "Say that you love me too". Robert pleaded. Cora looked uncertain.

"Robert, I don't want to give you false hope. It wouldn't be fair on both of us". Robert looked down and deflated. Cora decided there and then to inform Robert about her and Simon's meeting. She got out bed and sat next to her husband.

"Robert there has been something I've been meaning to tell you. I waited until you returned from London". Cora paused. Robert shuffled a little. "Go on Cora" he said firmly. Cora fiddled with her Wedding ring. "Well whilst you were in London I had a visitor. It was Simon Bricker". Cora said calmly. She was secretly praying that Robert wouldn't fly of the handle.

"I see". Robert replied as he stroked his chin. "When did Mr Bricker visit you?" he asked.

"He came on Wednesday. I can assure you that nothing happened. He came to see how my recovery was going". Cora declared. This made Robert believe that he still had a chance of Cora picking him.

"Cora I'm not angry with you, please don't think that I am. I'm pleased that you told me. I'm glad you didn't decide not to tell me. This makes me believe that we can work through our issues". Cora looked confused. "You're not listening to me Robert. I no longer know how I feel".

"About Simon?". Robert asked with a hint nostalgia.

"About both of you. I need time Robert. Time to think straight. Time to get my head around everything".

Robert nodded. "I understand Cora. I'll give you what you need. I'm sorry I disturbed you and woke you from your slumber. I'll say goodnight then". Robert looked down-hearted. He thought their issues would be resolved. Cora got back into bed.

"Goodnight Robert". Cora said quietly.

"Yes goodnight Cora". He smiled half-heartedly and then left. A hint of guilt stung Cora's heart.

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