Chapter 51-

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Robert, Martha, Mary, Edith, Tom and Rose were in the library waiting for Cora and Rosamund.

Robert was apprehensive about how he was going to approach the subject to Rosamund.

Carson opened the door and in came Cora and Rosamund Robert and Tom stood up. Rosamund looked at Cora. "There's nothing to worry about Rosamund". Cora said reassuringly. Rosamund smiled faintly. They both sat down on the settee next to each other. Robert was pacing up and down as Rosamund watched.

"Do stop pacing Papa. It's really unmoving" Mary spat. Robert then sighed and sat down. He put his hands together. He looked Rosamund straight in the eyes.

"Right, let's talk about Mr Blakely. What is he like?" he questioned.

"Wilber is charming, caring and considerate". Rosamund answered. "And where did you meet the chap?".

"We met at Lord and Lady Garfield's party. He asked me to dance and obviously I said yes. We got talking and found that we had a lot in common".

"And what do you have in common?" Robert asked.

"Well Wilber is also widowed. He lost his Wife 5 years ago to Spanish flu. Also he is lonely" Rosamund said that last sentence quietly. She thought her brother would laugh at her, she couldn't be more wrong. Robert walked over and sat down next to Rosamund and Cora.

"And are you too lonely Rosamund?" he quizzed sensitively. Rosamund looked at Cora. "Go on Rosamund you're doing tremendously well?" Cora said. She took a deep breathe. "Yes at times. Being in London and having most of you live at Downton and not seeing you as much is hard. Sometimes it feels like when you do visit that my home is only a Hotel to you. You all come to London at different times with different people and you all do your own thing. The only person who seems to bother with me when she visits is Cora".

Cora grabbed Rosamund's hand. It eased her a little. Robert felt guilty as did Mary and Edith.

"I had no idea you felt this way. Why didn't you say anything earlier?" Robert enquired.

"I choose not to say anything because I didn't want to burden any of you" Robert looked at the ground. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything".

"No don't be. You're absolutely right. We don't pay enough attention to you. How about this, we all come down to London and meet your chap. We all stay until after the Wedding and Cora and the girls will help you with the Wedding preparations".

Rosamund looked up and smiled widely at her brother. "You're giving me your blessing before you've even met Wilber?" Rosamund looked puzzled. Robert looked at Cora to see her staring at him innocently. He melted as she stared at him.

"Yes I give you my blessing Rosamund". Rosamund jumped up and out of her seat and lunged at her Brother. They hugged. Everyone smiled.

"Robert, can I ask you why you gave me your blessing?".

"I gave you my blessing because I want you to be happy. You deserve it". Rosamund hugged Cora. She was ecstatic. Rosamund then sighed.

"The only question now is who's going to talk to Mama?".

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