Chapter 59- Part 2

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Cora and Robert headed downstairs to the drawing room to find Rosamund, Violet, Mary, Edith and Martha. They were sat down at the table, finishing the preparations for the Wedding. They sat themselves down. Rosamund cleared her throat.

"Now that everyone is here, I want to discuss who will give me away?" she then paused and turned to face Robert. "Since Papa is no longer with us, I was wondering if you would walk me down the aisle?" she stunned Robert with this question. 

"Of course Rosamund, i'd be honored to accompany you down the aisle" he answered.

Relief swept through Rosamund's body. "Good, now that is sorted I wanted to ask Cora to be my Matron of honour. Mary, Edith and Rose will of course by bridesmaids"

Cora went to answer when she was interrupted by Violet. 

"Rosamund, dear don't you think your a bit old to  have bridesmaids? I don't think they are necessary"

"Oh Mama, I think it is necessary. When I married Mamaduke no family members were there to witness it. This time I want to do things properly" Rosamund answered.

"And who decided to elope with a banker?" 

"I did Mama and I  am not ashamed. Me and Mamaduke had a happy marriage and a happy life together. The time that we shared I will never regret" she said boldly.

 Violet looked speechless. It was a first for Violet. She pursed her lips not looking impressed. 

"Well Cora, what do you say? will you be my matron of honor?"

"Goes without saying. Yes I will be your Matron of honor" Cora got up and hugged Rosamund. Robert watched on with love in his eyes. He adored his Wife.

"Great, that's everything settled. I've got a few things to do. I will see you all at dinner tonight" Rosamund stood and went to leave when she turned back to face the others. 

"Oh, I almost forgot to say. Wilber and I went and spoke with the minister yesterday. We have set a date for the Wedding. Me and Wilber plan to marry next Wednesday" with that Rosamund left. 

The others looked astounded. "That soon?" Mary Spat.

"What on earth is thinking?" Violet asked.

"She's not thinking Mama. Rosamund is in love and that's all that matters" Robert said as he stuck up for his sister. Violet tilted her head slightly.

"Robert, I don't know what it is but something is different about you. Perhaps you've become soft as you have grown older" Violet said sarcastically, she then left. 

"Does that Woman ever have anything nice to say?" Martha muttered.

Cora glared at her Mama. "Now don't start that again Mama" Cora said as she shut down her Mama. It wasn't the time nor the place for her to score points. 

.........Meanwhile at Simon's flat.........

Simon was sat at his desk thinking about today's events. Why did Cora react that way? He thought that Cora would be over-joyed to see him. How could he of gotten it so wrong. He needed to think about his next move and fast, otherwise he's lose Cora forever. 

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