Chapter 68-

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It was the day before the wedding and the family were frantically trying to finish the final touche to the forthcoming ceromony.

Rosamund was having her final dress fitting with Cora, Rose, Edith and Mary.

"Oh Rosamund, you look beautiful. Wilber wont be able to take his eyes off you"

"I should think so too. He going to be stuck with me for the rest of his life"

Everyone chuckled.

Cora then came out with her Matron of honour dress.

"Cora, you look magnifcent. Very elegant. Robert will drool all over you"

Cora giggled. "Well he better not drool all over my dress or he'll be in trouble, big trouble!"

Mary, Edith and Rose then showed the bridesmaid dresses to Rosamund and Cora. The dresses were a pale lavender, plain and simple. With a matching hat.

"Oh thank goodness, they all fit. I was afraid they wouldn't" Rosamund said sounding relieved.

.......4 Hours Later.........

The girls had all gone out for lunch. They were celebrating what they called "Rosamund's final night of freedom"

However Rosamund didn"t see it that way. She couldn't wait to marry Wilber. She had felt alone for such a long time that finally she had found someone to make her happy. She was happy again. She missed Mamaduke terribly
But she couldn't bare to be alone any longer.

"A toast to Rosamund Painswick soon to be Rosamumd Blakely"

They all chimed there glasses together in unison.

"I never asked Rosamund, will Wilber be comimg to live with you or is it the othef way round?" Asked Mary.

"After the honeymoon Wilber will be moving in with me. He will sell his house so he can buy a building which he will renovate into a new office to be his law firm. He wants an office closer to home. Wilber doesn't want to travel to far. So closer the better"

Mary nodded.

" you never went into detail about how you met Wilber. Do tell us" asked Edith prying into her Aunts bussiness.

"Well like I said. We met at a party and he asked me to dance however at first I refused but Wilber was persistant to dance with me. After the fifth time he asked I accepted and we ended up dancing the whole night together. After courting for 3 months Wilber asked me to marry him. He gave this heart felt speech about how we were destined to be together and I said yes"

"Awww that so romantic, where did he ask you to marry him Rosamund?" Asked Rose.

"We went out to see a show and went for dinner afterwards that was when he got down on one knee and proposed"

"That sounds so sweet. Bet he took you by surprise"

"Oh believe, he did" Rosamund responded.

.......3 hours later.......
All the girls returned to the house to see Wilber. Robert. Tom and Wilbers best man Freddie sat in the libary playing poker. They all got up to recieve them.

"Having fun are you Wilber?" Rosamund asked and then kissed Wilber's cheek.

"Yes we are darling"

"Let me guess so far Robert has been on a winning streak?" Cora asked the bunch. Then Robert pulled Cora close to him and wrapped his arns around her waist.

"I'm afraid so" Wilber answered. He then looked at his watch.

"It's getting late. Freddie, Robert, Tom we should be going"

Robert and Tom were going to spend the night in a hotel with Wilber and his friends. Cora was disappointed but needs must. So she reluctantly agreed.

"My darlind Rosamund, I love you with all my heart and I cannot wait to marry you. I'll be waiting at the top of the aisile for you" he kissed both her hands then her forehead.

Robert turned his attention to Cora." I'm sorry I have to leave you tonight darling. Believe me when I say that I don't want to"

Cora smiled weakly. "I know Robert. It's only for one night. I love you"

"I love you too, you are my world. Goodbye my dear" he kissed her gently on the lips. She blushed lightly.

His hand then left hers. The boys all walked away.
Rosamund and Cora's face fell flat.

"Oh for goodness sakes. Mama, Papa is gone for only a night and Rosamund you getting married tomorrow. Then you will see Wilber everyday" Mary spat. Jealousy sprang to mind. Charles Blake had gone over seas and left her, as she saw it. However they were never a item in the first place.

With that everyone dispersed to their bedrooms. Rosamund fell asleep with a grin across her face.

2 more chapters to goooo! 😢😂😄

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