Chapter 58- Part 2

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It was now the afternoon and Cora had gone to lunch with her Mama. They were trying there best to formulate a plan.

"Oh Mama, what on earth am I going to do? I'm in such a predicament" Cora said sounding flustered.

"Cora, please keep calm" Cora shot her Mama a glare. "I know it easier said than done. If you keep up acting this way, Robert will start to notice".

"I think he's already noticed" Cora said quickly taking a sip of Wine.

"Easy there Cora, pace yourself" Martha said concerned. 

Cora glared at her Mama again. Keeping eye contact with her, she lifted her Wine glass to her lips and drunk some more wine. Martha didn't look impressed, she then sighed.

"You know better than anyone that alcohol isn't the answer. Know put down that glass and take a sip of water. Then we can discuss your next steps"

Cora starred innocently at her Mama. She put down her glass. "Your right Mama" she said timidly.

The waiter brought their meals.

"What do you suggest I do Mama?" Cora asked.

Martha looked deep in thought. Nothing came to mind. 

Cora sighed. "This is hopeless. I don't see any way out of my predicament" she huffed.

"Cora, don't right yourself of just yet". Martha put her hand and top of Cora's. It eased Cora a little.

Her frown turned into a smile when she noticed someone stood looking at her. Cora froze, Martha looked puzzled. 

"What is it my dear?" 

Cora shuddered in fear. Her eyes grew wider and her palms became sweaty.

"It's him, what is he doing here?" Cora asked herself.

"Who?,  who's here?"

"Simon is here!" Cora cried.

He saw her then made his way over to her table. Cora looked at him straight in the eyes, she couldn't look anywhere else.

Martha turned to see Mr Bricker standing behind her. 

"Ummm, Simon what er, what are you doing here?" Cora stuttered. 

"Didn't you get my letter?" he inquired.

"What letter is this?"  Martha asked sounding curious.

"Simon sent me a letter saying he was returning to London" 

"Well, that wasn't the way I put it. What I really said was..." Simon was then interrupted by Cora.

"Mama, perhaps it is best that you return to Rosamund's" 

"I don't think that's a good idea" Martha replied.

"No need to worry Mama, I can take care of myself and I shan't be long"  Cora said determined. 

"Very well my dear, I shall see you back at Rosamund's" Martha stood up. "Simon nice to see you again" she said politely however it was obvious she didn't mean it. Martha then left however she was unhappy to.

Simon the sat himself down. There was silence. Suddenly Cora felt to strong hands take hold of hers. She was startled.

"Cora, I love you and I am here to ask you to come with me" Simon declared.

Cora flinched at Simon's declaration. "Simon, I don't know what to say?"

"All you have to say is yes".

"Simon, you know it isn't that simple. I have Mary, Edith and my Mama to considered. And as for Robert...." Simon then interrupted Cora. 

"Robert is unworthy of your love. He doesn't treat you the way you deserve. Whereas I can. I'm crazy about you Cora" he exclaimed. 

Cora couldn't believe that this was happening. His timing couldn't be worse.

"Simon, my sister in Law is about to get married. It's not the time nor the place" Cora pleaded. She stood up and paid the waiter and walked away. 

Simon shortly followed in suit.

"CORA, CORA WAIT!!" Simon shouted.

Cora ignored Simon, she kept on walking. He then grabbed her arm. Cora got scared. She tried to pull away but his grip got tighter. Cora started to fear Simon.

"Simon let go of me!" Cora cried out. 

They were now in an alleyway near the restaurant and people were out of sight. Cora became frantic. 

"Please Cora, here me out!" the more he talked the more Cora wanted to get away from the Art Historian. 

Then suddenly some shouted from behind Simon.

"HEY YOU, LEAVE HER ALONE. YOU HEARD HER SHE WANTS TO BE LEFT ALONE!" the man bellowed. He couldn't be seen for some strange reason however Simon feared this voice and backed away. 

"Okay I am leaving. Cora I will see you soon, very shortly" Simon whispered.

Cora flinched as he whispered into her ear.  He then left.

Cora was stood with the man who had intervened.

She straightened herself up and sniffled a bit. She then took a deep breath and then walked towards the voice. 

"Thank you for your help. I am very grateful. Is there anything I can offer you as a way of repaying you?"

"Nothing I need. Would you allow me to escort you home?"

"Thank you, that is very kind. Can I ask what is your name?"

The man walked further it became apparent to Cora that she new the man very well.

She titled her head slightly. "Robert?" she asked shocked.

"I wanted to speak with you and Rosamund altered me that you went to lunch with your Mama. On my way down to the restaurant I saw Martha across the street and you weren't by her side. I heard faint voices coming from the alleyway and recognized one of them was your voice".

Cora looked speechless. She stunned Robert by running straight into his arms. He was shocked to say the least. 

How Robert longed to hold Cora in his arms. The moment finally came and it couldn't be more perfect. 

They both walked away, Robert's hand placed firmly around Cora's waist. 

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