Chapter 37-

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It was Wednesday. Cora was still in bed. She didn't like staying in bed. It felt like she was wasting the day away. Cora decided to get up and sit in the bay of the window. She looked out of the window and looked up at the sky. It was clear blue not a cloud in sight. She was memorised by the silence. It was like the world was at peace and content with its surroundings. A smile appeared on Cora's face. Martha then entered. She walked over to Cora.

"Oh you're up, that's brilliant. Do you feel strong enough to venture downstairs?". She asked.

"I'm not sure Mama. I'll see how I go". Cora was uncertain. She felt safe in her bedroom. Martha hadn't told Cora that Simon was in the Village. She was apprehensive but she knew if she didn't tell Cora now she'd find out from someone else. Martha took a deep breath.

"My Dear, there's something I've been meaning to tell you".  Cora turned her head and body to face her Mama.

"Yes what is it Mama?". Cora asked. Martha sat on a chair opposite Cora who was still sat in the bay of the window.

"Well my Darling, Simon Bricker is in the village".  Cora's delightful smile turned into a frown. She was confused.

"What do you mean Simon's in the village?".  Her voice was very shaky.

"Exactly what I said Cora. He is staying in the Grantham Arms".

Cora got up and slowly walked over to chair and sat opposite her Mama.

"Why is here?".

"Simon is here because he heard about you being ill". Martha explained. Cora looked confused.

"Who told him I was ill?". Cora questioned her Mama. Martha started to squirm. Cora then cottoned on. She realised it must have been her Mama who told Simon.

"You told Simon didn't you?".  Cora's voice was raised a little.  Martha looked surprised. She knew it was time to come clean.

"Yes my Dear. It was me. I telephoned him the night you got sick. You told me about him going to America. Then you got ill. I thought I should alert him". Cora nodded slightly.

"That's very well but why invite him to Downton. You know that would make things difficult between me and Robert".

Martha looked offended.  "I resent that Cora. Do you really think I would deliberately invite him knowing it would cause friction between you and Robert?!".  

Martha didn't like what Cora was insinuating. "If you must know Mr Bricker invited himself. He wanted to come on his own accord. He was really worried about you Cora".  Martha's tone of voice was now hushed.

"Well I apologise Mama. What I don't understand is why didn't you tell me sooner?". Cora asked. Martha was reluctant to share the reason why Cora noticed her Mama's body language change.

"Well my Dear. He came to the house when you were ill. He and Robert had words".  Cora looed oddly at her Mama.

"Robert knew and he choose not to say anything?".

Martha felt like she was backed into a corner.  "I'm afraid so my dearest. He only kept quiet because he wanted to care for you and care for you only. He was really scared he was going to lose you. We all did".  Cora looked innocently into her Mama's eyes.

"Well Cora I'm off to have my breakfast. I'll come and see you later unless you're feeling up to coming downstairs?". Martha quizzed.

"I think I'll just stay in here for the mean time Mama. I'll see you later. I have a lot of thinking to do".  Cora kissed her Mama on the cheek.

"Very well my dear". Martha got up and left.  Cora sat back into the bay of the window and started to think. 

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