Chapter 45-

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Robert walked into the library. He expected to see his family however only Mary was the only one in the library. He couldn't help but wonder where everyone was.

"Where is everyone?". Robert asked Mary.

"Tom has taken Rose and Edith to Ripon, Granny has gone to cousin Isobel's for lunch and Grandma has gone to the village". Mary answered.

"I see". Robert said as he stroked his chin. "Where's your Mama?".

Mary faintly laughed. "I was told by Mrs Hughes that Mama was in the nursery but when I went up their she was no longer there". Mary said as she took a sip of coffee.

"I'll go search for her. If you see your Mama before I do inform her that I'm looking for her will you".

"Of course Papa". Mary smiled. Robert headed off on his search for his wife.

...........The grounds of Downton Abbey..........

Meanwhile in the grounds Cora was taking a walk. She really wanted to see Robert but part of her stopped her from being fully overjoyed with Robert's return. They weren't on bad terms but they still had some issues that needed addressing. Cora didn't know what to do. She thought back to her conversation with Violet. The words kept ringing in her ears. When Cora confided in Violet about finding Robert with a maid in his room. That sentence kept her apart from Robert. "We will hopefully work through it. We usually do". Cora just didn't believe it anymore. Perhaps it was never true...perhaps this was different from all the other times. Of course it was different this time. Cora had never had reason to doubt Robert's loyalty until now. Until that incident with the maid. Why was she still employed at Downton? Robert assured Cora he would terminate her employment. This led Cora to believe that Robert had an ulterior motive. Was she reading into things? Was her imagination running wild? Or was Cora right....was her husband having an affair with an employee? Cora didn't know what to believe. She wondered if she was jumping to conclusions.

Cora turned back to face Downton. There stood before her a grand, English country house. Cora still felt intimidated by the house even though she lived there for the past 30 years. It never felt like her home. Cora thought back to her childhood, the happier days of when she lived in America. Everything back then was so simple. She missed how close s used to be with her brother Harold. Yes they both penned letters on the odd occasion but it was very rare. Then there was her father Isidore. Oh how she missed him terribly. She was a daddy's girl.

Cora sighed. "Those were the days" she said to herself. Other memories came flooding back. The most special memory that Cora could recollect was when she married Robert and moved to Downton Abbey after their honeymoon. That moment of when she stepped out of the motor car and saw the ground house. Cora was overcome with nerves. The prospect of her one day becoming the Countess of Grantham frightened her. She saw the staff ascended in rows on the right and Robert's family on the left. She felt intimidated. What made matters worse was Violet. She had her disapproving eyes on Cora. From that point Cora knew she had an uphill battle of trying to win over her mother in law. She fine well knew Violet wasn't fond of her because she was American. Robert told his mother on numerous occasions to give Cora a chance. Violet disapproved of Robert and Cora's union.

The most defiant moment of her life so far was when Robert finally admitted that he was in love with her. That moment she remembered clearly, as if it was almost yesterday.

.......................The year of 1890.........................

Cora was in her bedroom reading a book in bed. Many nights she had gone to bed this way. For going any physical attention except from their honeymoon. That night Robert entered their bedroom and took of his robe. He gently placed it over a chair. He looked at his wife, closely studying her. She looked beautiful. Her chestnut curls placed in a plait which made his wife look incredibly young...however there was one distinctive thing Robert loved about his Wife which was her slender figure. Her night gown clung to all the right places. How did he not notice her beauty sooner? It then occurred to him how lucky he was. He loved his new bride. After almost a year of marriage he had fallen completely and utterly in love with her. He watched his wife read her book. A smile appeared across his face. He was noticed by Cora.

"Robert, what is it?". She asked as she placed a bookmark on her current page she was reading. He climbed into bed next to Cora.

"I love you Cora. I am completely smitten with you. I should of realised it sooner but I love you". Robert said exasperated. Cora looked puzzled but smiled. She blushed at Robert's declaration. He grabbed her hands.

"The more times I defended you to Mama my love for you grew stronger. I hope to God that you feel the same way?". Robert finally declared his love for Cora. She was overcome with a fuzzy feeling in the pit of her stomach. Robert awaited Cora's reply. She smiled gleefully. Cora wrapped her arms around Robert and whispered into his ear. "I love you too Robert". She pulled away and looked deeply into his eyes.

"Oh Cora, you mean more to me then you will ever know. I promise to protect you forever more. To never cause you pain. I vow too never hurt you. You have my heart under lock and key". He grabbed her hands and held them closely to his chest. Cora kissed him gently on the lips.

.............................Back to the present.........................

Robert promised to never hurt her but he did. That promise meant nothing to him. It was empty words but at the time she believed him. Love clouded her judgement. He brought hurt and pain apoun her by frolicking with that maid. That Cora could never forget nor forgive however he deserved to give his version of events. She slowly walked back up to the house. It was time to confront her cheating husband once and for all .

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