Chapter 9-

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It was Saturday Morning. Cora and Simon were at the painting by Emile Vernon. Simon was examining the painting with a magnified glass. "The Artist has conveyed her thoughts and feelings really well in this painting". Cora looked at Simon. "Yes indeed. From her facial expression she seems very dismal. Her eyes tell a great deal". Cora looked deeply into her eyes. "Maybe that's why Emile called the painting a secret message. From the outside she stands as a representation to Women but in the inside she wants to feel a sense of belonging".

Cora sighed. Simon turned to face her. He took her hand and pulled her into a side room. "Simon what are you doing?". Simon closed the door and turned to face Cora. "I don't want you to be sad. It pains me to see you this way". He touched her cheek with such intent. Cora put her hand on Simon's face. He smiled sweetly. "I'm sorry Simon.. I just feel so empty. Robert and I aren't exactly on good terms at the moment". Cora looked down at the floor. Simon put his hand under her chin to make her look at him. "Cora you really are beautiful". Simon then kissed her. They were interrupted by the sound of Robert's voice shouting Cora's name. She put her finger on his lips. She waited until Robert's vice was a mere echo. She removed her finger from Simon's lips. He had a smile on his face. Simon thrived on the excitement. He loved the feeling of being secretive. Especially with Cora.

.......4 Hours Later......

Simon left Downton to catch his Train to London. Cora knew it wouldn't be long until Simon would visit again. Cora was sat in the Library with her Mother when Robert entered. "My Dear I was wondering if you would like to accompany me on walking Isis?". That was the last thing Cora wanted to do however she didn't want to be at logger heads with Robert any longer. Cora looked at her Mother. Martha gave her the look to say "go on what harm could it possibly do?". Cora turned to Robert. "I would love to". Robert smiled. Martha looked at him. She mouthed "Don't mess up". Martha really wanted her daughter to be happy.

This chapter meant a lot to me because it's centered around Art. My life is also centered around Art. I look at the History of Art on a daily basis. It's part of my Art and Design course.

Downton Abbey-Cora's Predicamentحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن