Twenty Six

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I sent Kevin a message Monday morning telling him thatChristopher and I would be there to watch Sherlock with them on Friday night. I didn't expect it to be a problem because it was a standing thing with them and they would watch if we were there or not. I was surprised when my phone rang ten minutes later flashing Kevin's number. "Hello?"

"Sorry to catch you at work but I wanted to run something by you" he said calmly.

It was something I appreciated about him, he was always calm. When he wasn't, I knew it was time to panic. He wasn't one to spiral into an emotional outburst unless it was necessary. It was good to have an emotional barometer when we were together. "Sure."

"Apparently the boys talked this morning, about your Christmas gift."

"I don't follow" I answered honestly. "What gift?"

"The one Chris is buying for you."

I could have sworn there was a hint of amusement in his voice. "Why would he do that?"

"You're seeing him on Christmas, it's a given."

"Oh." I hadn't really thought about that part of it. "I don't do gifts."

"I'm sure Ollie told him that but he's going to get you one anyway and Gregory?"

This was going to be bad. He was using his 'It's just a suggestion but you really need to do it' voice. It was similar to the one he used with Ollie. I sighed. "Yes?"

"You should strongly consider buying him something."

"I don't need..." We hadn't discussed it and it wasn't in the contract. I would accept his gracefully but I had no responsibility to--

"Yes, yes you do. He's not a usual sub, Greg. He would appreciate one."

"Fine. Tell me what to buy him." I didn't mind spending the money and I had several days, I could order whatever I needed.

"I have NO idea how to help you there Greg, I barely know what to get Ollie. Why don't you and Ollie go shopping? He can help you out and he's free tonight."

There was no way I had heard him right. "What?"

"Ollie knows Chris better than I do and he's a boy, seems that he could pick out a good present for yours."

That was true. "Perhaps. But I just want to order something, I hate shopping."

"I know you do. You hate it more than I do which is a lot but it would be good for you. Pick him up at 7."

The phone beeped that the call had been disconnected, the screen flashing red. I stifled several nasty words and set my phone back on my desk. I didn't have time to worry about it though, I was booked solid this afternoon. I finished the salad I had brought for lunch and before I knew it the work day was finished.

I ran home after work to change into jeans and a sweater and make a quick dinner before arriving at Kevin's promptly at 7. I beeped and Ollie waved through the window, then quickly came out and slid into the passenger seat.

"Hello Sir Greg."

"Hello Ollie. Where to?"

"The mall is probably the best place to start. Unless you had any specific ideas?"

"He could use a better harness" I offered. "There's a toy I was considering trying on him."

"Um, Sir? I don't think a play gift is really the best way to go. He'd probably enjoy something more personal."

"How is anything more personal than a toy?"

He laughed. "You're right, personal wasn't the best word to use. Still, I think he'd appreciate something else. Or maybe just something in addition to a toy?"

"He could use a cookbook."

"I love to cook Sir and would probably appreciate that but he doesn't. It's a good thought though" he added politely.

"Do you know what he's getting me?" I asked. It seemed like useful information to have.

"Yes Sir."


"I... I can't tell you that Sir Greg."

I shot him a stern look. "Of course you can and you will. What is it Ollie?"

"I'm sorry Sir but I don't think I should."

I pulled off the road into a random shopping center parking lot and put the car in park before turning towards him. "Unacceptable. It's a simple question that I want an answer to. Stop being difficult."

He shrunk a little against the seat and I felt bad for that but it would get me the information I needed. "May I call Master?" he asked.

"NO, don't bother, I have a better idea." I was back on the road in a flash, heading towards their house. I pulled into their driveway and stomped towards the door, knocking once before pushing it open. "KEVIN!" He appeared at the top of the stairs and headed down. "Handle your boy! He's being rude and disrespectful."

Ollie dropped into forgiveness behind me and I stepped out of the way so Kevin could handle things. I expected him to turn to me and ask what had happened but instead he immediately let Ollie stand up. "What's going on Pet?"

"Sir wanted me to tell him what Chris is buying for his Christmas present and I refused to tell him. I didn't think I should ruin the surprise Master, Chris would have been horribly disappointed. I asked to call you, to ask what I should do but instead he brought me home."

"Is that all, Greg?" he finally asked me, his eyebrows raised.

"All? As if that's not enough?"

"Was he rude when he declined?" he asked me.

"No, he said it politely. But I asked him twice, maybe even three times. It's a simple request Kevin and he shouldn't question me. I simply wanted some help which was his whole purpose."

Kevin took Ollie's hand and pulled him around to his side. "Greg, Ollie has done nothing lately but help you. He spent hours helping plan your date nights. He hooked Chris up with Dare to help you two work things out and give Chris the insight he needed to make a solid choice. He gave up his evening tonight, at the last minute I might add, to take you shopping which is something he doesn't like to do either. Don't you think that he would use the knowledge of Chris's gift to help you? That he would guide you appropriately? He doesn't need to tell you what it is for you to make a good decision. You need to trust him a little bit, he's a good boy." He turned towards Ollie and whispered into his ear.

I wasn't sure how to answer, Kevin made sense when it was put that way. It wasn't the optimal solution in my book but it probably would have worked. "Fine, I'll do it myself. I'm sorry to cause problems Kevin. Good night." I turned and practically fled to my car, I didn't want to be there and I didn't know what to say or do to fix the evening.

By the time I got home I knew that I had probably overreacted. I always tried really hard to be polite and kind with Ollie and I certainly hadn't succeeded in doing that tonight. I regretted hurting his feelings. But through all that, the word that flashed through my head like a neon sign as I tried to get to sleep that night was 'Dare'.

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