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*** "The hardest thing is to begin. A blade of grass is no easier than an oak tree." I'm sure I'm butchering that quote but it's stuck with me for years and it's true. This is short but please throw cookies and sweet comments at me while I struggle to get back into the swing of things coming at it from this angle. Once I get into it you know how quickly the updates will/can come but it's going to be a challenge getting there. I think I'm up for it if you are. Let's DO this thing!!! :)

My hands were shaking as I brought them up to the steering wheel. I rolled the windows all down because the car smelled like us, like him, and there was no way I would be able to drive home with that distraction taunting me the whole way. I could almost hear him moaning and when I closed my fingers around the steering wheel my imagination felt him ripple beneath me. Oh, that boy.

That impossible, amazing, smart-mouthed, incorrigibly stubborn boy was going to unravel me piece by piece. I drove to Kevin's since they didn't go to bed until ten and I had 12 minutes to spare. Ollie opened the door and I held the bag out towards him. "Will you please keep this for me? I may need it in the future."

"Come in Sir, if you'd like" he said, taking the bag. He really was very well trained, I needed to compliment Kevin. He was smiling much more than he usually did when he saw me but I was too hyped up to care. "Master is in the shower but he'll be out soon. Or I can give this to him for you?"

"I can't stay, it's almost ten. Giving it to him is fine and tell him I'll text him tomorrow."

"I'll relay your message. Sir?"

"Yes Ollie?"

"Call us if you need anything, please."  He was smiling as if I'd given him a birthday present.  He did realize the package wasn't for him, right?  I had been clear.

I just nodded and turned back towards my car. He was behaving oddly. Luckily it wasn't far to my house and I pulled into the garage and took the full set of my new dishes inside. I put a few in the dishwasher and changed my mind, turning on the hot water to fill the sink. I counted each one as it slid into the soapy water, then washed and rinsed the 12 plates before moving on to the bowls and finally the mugs. When they were all spread onto towels on the counter I changed into my pajamas and got ready for bed.

I decided at the last minute to dry and put them away so I'd have a clean kitchen to prepare my Saturday omelet in when I woke up tomorrow morning. It was relaxing to wipe each plate and put it in its place. My cupboards finally looked right again and I inhaled deeply. It was better.

I tried to ignore the part of my brain that was still racing. I had tomorrow to calm myself and get everything straight before I'd see Christopher on Sunday. It was such a double edged sword. The release I needed, it was absolutely necessary but it was also stressful to be with him for such a long period of time. Spending more than two or three hours with anyone was a strain on me.  It wasn't anything like tonight had been though, dear God. There was some solace in that. The worst part of my week was over.

Date nights were impossible. The planning alone was enough to throw me into a spiral but luckily Ollie had so far been a big help. Friday evenings though I was on my own although if I could have just sent them on a date together, I would have. I wanted to give Christopher enough to keep him coming back but I wasn't sure if I could keep this up. I needed to come up with a plan for next week that would be easier for me. It was late, a good night's sleep might help.

*** *** ***

Saturday had been fine. Sunday morning I got up and watched my favorite news program while I ate my breakfast, then showered and prepared for Christopher's arrival. The spanking bench was long gone, relegated to its place in the basement but I still wasn't quite sure the best way to organize today's events. I wanted him submissive and well behaved; that was crucial.

After the kiss on Friday night it would ruin everything if he got uppity or disrespectful. Keeping him properly behaved seemed a huge task though. I had to make it as easy as possible for him to do so, I had to lead him in the right direction. Getting him back into proper headspace was just as important as doing so for me. If he couldn't bounce back and forth this would never work; he had to be in the same relationship I was, a bdsm one with dates thrown in. If he started thinking and behaving as if I were a boyfriend who got a little rough with him on Sundays we were going to be in trouble.

I'd bent and struggled and pushed my boundaries on Friday. Today I expected the same from him. Somehow I knew I wouldn't be disappointed because I truly believed that he needed this much more than dinner and a movie. He needed to prove himself to me because I was willing to try, to pay him back in every way I could. He was already mine, even if he didn't quite believe it yet. By this evening I hoped to make him understand.

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