My Celebrity Housemate: Chapter Six

Start from the beginning

          "Dude, are you really just going to listen to her?" said Ryan disbelievingly as Delaney shrieked with joy.

          "Sometimes, it's better to be on the safe side." I smiled slightly as I signed her lipstick.

          "Funny, I don't remember you saying that when you got Kate into trouble. That was pretty mean of you, you know." He laughed.

          "Kate's a different story." I beamed. "She's more of a girl of words."

          "Oh, so you're saying that she won't do anything to hurt you?"

          "I can't say she won't, because she might one day if I keep this up. Well, she's just fun to begin with. I like pissing her off."

          "So I heard." He nodded slowly.

          "Alex, you're such a jerk." Said Delaney. "And that's what I like about you." She giggled.

          "Nah, I wasn't really a jerk before. I was after I was free from Michael." I said truthfully.

          "Is that supposed to make any sense? 'Cause frankly speaking, I don't get you." She said.

          "When Michael's around, he'd always tell me to be on my best behavior. Something about ruining my name or whatever. Well, at least I don't do drugs." I explained.

          "And you don't do dirty videos." Said Delaney and we were both silent. "You don't do dirty photo shoots, or dirty reality TV shows. But if you do, I'll be the first one to–"

          "SO, how's your first day of school?" Ryan interrupted.

          "It's...okay." I swallowed. "Lots of insane people, but I'm sure that'll all wear off sooner or later, right?"

          "Oh no it won't!" said Delaney suddenly. "Fifty years later, when you grow up old and lonely, and when your pretty face turns old and flabby, a-and when your abs sag, I'd still be your number one fan. And we'll get married, and have kids! Yeah, that's right! And we'll name them–"

          "Please stop talking." Ryan sighed wearily.

          "It's okay, go on." I said, trying not to be rude.

          "What?!" Ryan looked shocked.

          "Oh my gosh, you're not opposing the idea." She gasped. "I'M GOING TO MARRY ALEX MONREAUX!"

          "You shouldn't encourage her! Why did you encourage her?!" Ryan panicked.

          "I always let my fans finish, why?"


          Delaney was running around the hallway like a mad homeless woman while strangling a random small kid screaming: "I'M GOING TO BE MRS. MONREAUX!"

          "...that will happen." He frowned.

          "Ah, poor little guy." I said woodenly. "If anyone asks who's responsible, cover for me."

          "And what do I get?" he frowned.

          "The address to Megan Fox's doorstep."

          "I'm in." he grinned. "But uh, I think I'll have to split them up first. You know, incase if I don't come back, just leave all her stuff there."

          "Got it." I nodded slightly and continued to sign.

          It took me more than five minutes to finish it and sure enough, Delaney and Ryan were no where to be found after that.

          I'd decided to leave the school and wait for Kate somewhere else. I really don't think that she wants to see me right now, but however I was held up by another bunch of people who'd waited for me outside, and that took up fifteen minutes of my time, but still no sign of Kate.

          No, I don't feel guilty for what I did, but I do wonder if I will when she wallops me hard on the face.

          I was walking around aimlessly on the peaceful sidewalk. The people here just prefer walking, and some just ride on bikes. Not that they aren't any cars, but they're no traffic. I'd decided to sit on the bench and wait for another few minutes, and then walk back to school. So this is how it feels like to do nothing.

          All my life I've been busy doing this and that, I never really did take a time out to relax for myself. Maybe coming here was a really reasonable idea. And I thought that I came here for another silly reason...

          Just when I was about to leave, an old man who is walking slowly had caught my eye. He was walking towards my direction, and sure enough, he'd occupied the other half of the bench, panting slightly. He wasn't really old, around sixty or so. His hair was white with a little combination of grey and he doesn't look very healthy, but not sick either. What's an old man like him doing outside alone? Shouldn't someone be taking care of him or something?

          "Oh, sorry." The old man said suddenly. "Did I interfere with your time?"

          "Oh, no, nothing." I said quickly to prevent any misunderstanding. "This bench is all yours, I was just leaving."

          "Okay." He said innocently as he sat there quietly. "Be careful now."

          "Yeah, thanks." I smiled. "See ya."

          As I was walking down the streets, I couldn't help but wonder about the old man. Well, I've always got a feeling towards seniors. I mean, they can be too outspoken sometimes, but at the same time I find their innocence kind of cute. Yeah, cute. I never really met my grandparents before, so I don't really know how to handle aging people, but somehow I find them easy to be around with.

          What really bothered me was that feeling. Why do I feel like I've seen him before? I haven't met anyone who has white hair. I don't remember seeing anybody like that, but somehow I know that I've met him before.

          I hesitated but took a look back at the bench and then I realized that the old man was no longer there.

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