The moment I was able to close the door like it was, I quietly rushed downstairs, opening the back door and making a run for it.

I could feel my heartbeat pumping in my ears, and my sharp intakes of cool air didn't fare well for my fragile body.

I made it to the barn doors, fumbling with the keys as I desperately tried each one on the lock. With a gasp of triumph, I unlocked the doors and pulled the chains off the handles. I then slipped inside, shutting the door behind me.

Once I turned around, tears almost immediately formed in my eyes.

Xain and Connor were in a worse position than before.

Because they were wrapped in chain, their healing abilities didn't work on them this time. Xain was a bloody mess; his head limp as he slowly breathed. Connor wasn't much better, but he was stubborn, and kept his head upright.

At first, he must've thought I was one of the family members, because he snarled at me, showing his sharp fangs.

I shushed him, walking close and placing my hand on his nose so fast that he didn't have time to react. He didn't budge for a moment, but instead pressed his nose up against my hand.

I smiled weakly, repressing the urge to cry.

"I'm here, Connor. I'm here. It's over."

Then, to my disbelief, he whined. He actually whined.

I bit my lower lip, swallowing thickly before retracting my hand and looking through the keys. I had tried all of them on the locks, but none of them worked.

I wiped my eyes to keep the tears from falling but it almost seemed hopeless. Xain and Connor were stuck, and there wasn't anything I could do about it.

I started crying softly as thoughts and ideas ran through my head. I didn't have any chance speaking to the grandpa about it, but I had some kind of chance with James. He had to at least see the logic in it.

Xain's breathing picked up, and I looked up to find him looking down at me.

I could almost see amusement gleaming in those golden eyes of his.

I smiled back and stood up to rub his blood-stained cheek, but stopped when I heard a gun cocking. Connor snarled and growled, causing me to tense up.

I had been caught.

"Well now, ain't this a surprise?"

I sighed softly, almost in relief. It wasn't Louie, as I turned around to find out, but Ezekiel. I didn't know how he'd react to me explaining to him, but it was too late to think of any other idea.

I opened my mouth to explain, but Ezekiel interrupted and sneered, "I shoulda known you were affiliated with these beasts."

I bit my lower lip before saying quietly, "We had no ill intentions. We weren't planning to stay; they were hunting for me. Please, you have to let them go."

He smirked, causing me to shudder.

"You lied to us, ya know that? Tried to play us like some kinda dumb swamp people. I HATE people like you!"

I could tell that he was drunk. I had never dealt with a drunk before, but I had to try to anyway.

"Look," I said slowly, "I'm sorry for playing you all like that. Honest, it really bothered me that I had to lie. But they're the only family I have left." I pointed to Xain and Connor. "Just please. Please let us go. We'll leave and we won't ever come back, I swear to it."

Ezekiel looked up in thought. I picked at my hand, feeling uneasy. 'What in the world is he thinking?'

He then looked at me and grinned, causing me to shrink a bit.

"Sure, I'll let 'em go. But you need to do me a favor first."

My breathing picked up. It didn't take a scholar to know what he was going to ask for. My stomach turned at the thought, but the boys needed to eat, to drink; they needed to heal. And if doing whatever the boy set them free, then I'd do it.

I asked, "W-What kind of favor?"

He chuckled and said in a slur, "Man, yer a clueless lady, ain't you?"

"Just tell me what you want!" I snapped, unable to stand the waiting or the tension.

He lowered his gun and said, "One don't get with a wolf without tastin' its package. I want you to come over here, and show me how well you can use that tongue."

I blushed immensely, gaping at him. Even though I knew something like that was coming, it still dumbfounded me to hear him say it so bluntly, and in front of the brothers as well.

Connor snarled and growled. "Like hell you will!! Lyra, don't you dare! He's a drunk bastard, just asked to be locked up in the morning!"

I nodded at him and almost smiled. It seemed like the right thing to do.

I turned to him and said, "I'd... Rather not. I'd rather wait until your father gets up in the morning please."

He raised his gun, but instead of pointing it at me, he pointed it at Connor's head.

"I would really hate to spread his brains everywhere, love. Now, either you give me what I want, or none of you are leaving this barn alive."

Xain lifted his head, grunting in pain as he whined. "Lyra.."

Connor roared but didn't move. He couldn't. "Lyra, don't you dare!!"

I couldn't breathe. I didn't know what else to do. But I knew that Xain wouldn't last the night if I didn't do anything. None of us would be seeing the morning light.

I took a step forward, breath unable to flow out of me properly. Connor was probably going to hate me, but I didn't have a choice. "I-I'll do it. Don't shoot him, please." I pleaded, stepping forward. "I'll do it."

He smirked and lowered his gun, waiting for me to come forward.

I carefully walked towards him, not even daring to look back at Xain and Connor. Every step I took toward Ezekiel hurt bad enough, but I couldn't bear to look at them while doing this.

I almost felt like I was betraying them, but I knew I could save them by pleasing Ezekiel.

Or at least try.

'It couldn't be so bad. After all, it's just a little sucking... Right?'


Yes, short I know. But it's an update, so yay me! You'll have quite a bit more to read on the next update. I'm just trying to get back in the swing of things. And expect a lot more interesting characters and steamy situations as well. It won't be completely about Lyra ya know. ^_^

Until the next Update!

~ Nimo

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