l e x i / k i n g

Start from the beginning

"You mad?"

"Hell yeah. I tried reaching for some when we was at a red light and he blocked it so I couldn't get any. It's cool though" He tried to act like he wasn't phased by it, but his voice told a whole different story. 

"Yo' daddy salty"

"Get in the back" I rolled my eyes. 

"I will when the pregnant woman gets in the car." 

When we got to Mercy's condo, he told me to call her. "Why can't you beep like you did me?" 

"Shut up and call her ass"

She came out a few minutes later, and was texting. We were still sitting outside her condo. She looked up and looked at Darnell confused. 

"Why aren't we moving?"

"First of all, you just came in my car and didn't greet anyone. Then you didn't tell us where you want to go"

She greeted all of us and told him that she wanted to go to the mall. 

I was hoping that would be the one place she wouldn't want to go. I just hope she wouldn't want to go into Foot Locker. Darnell and King still mug each other in school, and occasionally get into it. Hopefully, nothing happens since this is King's place of work. 

"I'm so hungry. Can you pull over to McDonald's?" We rode past the McDonald's and pulled into the Wendy's parking lot. 

She started to pout. I was chilling back here observing them and talking to Trell even though all he did was spit and make noises. 

"Hey baby whisperer, grab the baby and get out. We here" Mercy told me. I looked out the window and for sure, we were here. I grabbed Trell and handed his custom baby bag to Darnell. Darnell didn't want to be carrying around an actual baby bag, so he customized a book bag and put Trell's name on it. 

We went into the mall and Mercy was leading the way. I was walking next to Darnell pushing Trell in his stroller. I leaned over and whispered "You think she'll want to go to Foot Locker?" He gave me the "What do you think?" look. I really hope nothing pops off.

I mentally prayed to myself that nothing pops off. We just came here to get some baby stuff, and keep it moving. 


"Aye King, can you get them real quick?" My co-worker, Zeke, asked me. I turned and saw Darnell, Lexi and Mercy walk in. Darnell had a whole bunch of bags in his hands, that were from children's clothing stores. 

I looked around to see if anyone else could take them, but they were all busy getting sneakers for other people. I didn't greet them as they walked in, even though that's what I was supposed to do. I sent a head nod towards Lexi, and Darnell was mugging me. 

I didn't even bother to mug him back. If he still has a problem, then so be it. 

Mercy went over to the baby sneaker section. Darnell was sitting down looking at his phone, and Lexi was looking at sneakers for herself. She works here, so she could get a discount. 

I looked over at Mercy and she was looking for someone to help her. I walked over to her and asked her if she needed any help. 

"Yes can I get these in a size one for babies, and a size 6 in women's?" I nodded and took the pink Timberland's to the back. I'm assuming she found out the sex of the baby. 

When I had the shoes, I set the baby shoe box down and opened up the women's Tim's. "Do you need to try them on?" She nodded and sat down. Her belly was kind of big, so it was hard for her to take off her shoes. I wonder how the hell she put them on, if she can't take them off. 

"Do you need some help?" She smiled and accepted the offer. I took off her right shoe and put the Tim's on her foot. I helped her up so she could get a look and a feel of the shoe. 

"How you likin' em'?" 

"Loving them. I'll take them" She sat back down and I took the shoe back off her foot and set them in the box. I had to help her put her shoe back on, and help her up. 

I led her over to the checkout section. I scanned the boxes and read her the price. "That'll be $167.43" She took her debit card and swiped it. 

"So what is it?" She looked at me confused. 

"Excuse me?"

"The gender"

"It's a girl"


Darnell walked up and had to start something. 

"Aye, just give her the receipt and stop trying to make small talk" Mercy rolled her eyes, making me snicker. 

"The fuck so funny?"

"Darnell, chill. Go outside, and wait for me" She tried to push him but he didn't move. 

"Nah, I wanna know what's so damn funny"

"You! You're making yourself look stupid, and you're causing a damn scene. Take yo' ass outside" She snapped on him. He looked down at her and walked out the store, mugging me. I just shook my head and got back to work. 

"I'm sorry about that" I shrugged my shoulders. 

"It's cool, I understand why he's mad. This is the same thing that happens in school, so it's not a big deal" 

"No it is a big deal, this is where you work. He shouldn't be causing a scene at your job, that's not cool. I'm going to talk to him" 

"Nah, you don't have to do that" 

"I know I don't have to, but I am."

"Appreciate it" She smiled and walked out. 

"Yo, what was that about?" I shook my head at Zeke's nosy ass. 

"Nothing man. Just petty niggas"


Boring chapter, but whatever.

Update soon!

One more chapter left! 

There might be a sneak peek of the sequel...

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