"Sit." Adrian instructed. I followed his directions and sat down on the center couch and Franco stood behind me.

"Where are we?"

"Private property owned by my family. We're about 13 miles out of pack territory." He answered, almost robotically.

"Any other questions you wanna ask before we discuss why the hell your here?" He asked coldly, so cold that my blood chilled for a moment.

"No umm, I'm good."

Adrian laughed,almost hysterically, before sitting down in one of the single chairs that was positioned in front of me. "It's funny you would say that. You're actually here because you aren't good and you got a lot of explaining to do."

I sighed as I looked down at my hands. Here it comes. "What the hell happened in your classes? Not showing up to class on time, not paying attention, not taking notes and engaging in class discussions. I expected more from you, and I don't understand why I'm even having to talk to you about this. Explain yourself."

"There's nothing to explain really. I've never been good in school and I probably never will. It's not like I'm not trying."

"No you're just focusing on your physical training and sporting lessons. Deianira, you're not in high school anymore. This is the real world and you aren't going to get shit or achieve anything great if you're just going through the motions and putting minimal effort in the things you don't like!" Adrian clenched his jaw tightly, trying to keep a calm composure but he was really slipping.

"Damn it Adrian! I'm trying!" I yell.

"You're not trying hard enough!" He yelled back.

"How can you say that? I've been working up early and going to bed late because I'm busting my ass trying to compete with these other fucking girls in your stupid court. What more do you want from me?" I cried. I was so frustrated that I no longer knew what to say. My mind was no longer clear, and I didn't know what to do.

"Deianira, you need to find a balance between your academic classes and your physical training. Not everything is about being strong, it's about being smart and well rounded."

"Okay Adrian, whatever. I can't fucking win with you." I growled. If I wasn't so pissed and frustrated I would have probably cringed from how cold and harsh it sounded.

"Bring up your ranking Santiago. Be on time. Be prepared. And for shits sake focus on what the hell your instructor is saying, ask questions if you don't understand, and study your fucking notes! It's really not that hard. You're the only one standing in your way." He says before tzking another sip of his drink.

I narrowed my eyes at him and pursed my lips. I swear he loved provoking the shit out of me, bur hey I can't say he was any worse than my family. I guess he called himself caring.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say Adrian. Are you done? Can I leave now?" I asked impatiently.

"No, I'm not done with you. There's something even more impottant we need to address."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Your health. What's been going on with you besides the headaches, nausea, and vomiting?"

"There's really nothing more to it." I lied. I had been experiencing these terrible cramps and I had these wierd gut wrenching stomach aches that lasted between five to ten minutes.

"You're lying. I heard your heartbeat spike." He says calmly.

"Adrian, look I'm fine. Can we just drop this? I'm ready to go and I'm really tired." I practically beg.

"When's the last time you had sex?" He asked bluntly. His eyes narrowed at me, it was like he was trying to pressure me into answering him truthfully or focus on the rate of my heartbeat.

"Excuse me?"

"When is the last time you had sex?" He repeats.

"I'm not answering that. You can't make me." I didn't want to admit that I was a virgin, and frankly it really wasn't any of his business.

Adrian let out a deep breath and rubbed his hands together as if he was trying to warm himself up,when really he was trying to keep from strangling the hell out of me.

"Santiago..." He growls. "How many times have you had sex in the past year?"

Okay, I could answer that one. "Zero. After my last breakup, and before I met my mate I decided to take a vow of abstinence."

For a moment Adrian's dark expression changed into a more amused one. His green eyes flickered with both curiosity and shock. "Abstinence? For how long?"

"Until I met my mate, and to answer the next impending question, no I have not have sex with my mate." I say feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"Well then I believe that the correct term for him is a match, not a mate since...you two didn't even have sex. That's good though, it makes the Separation a lot easier and it means that you aren't pregnant." I shouldn't have been so shocked to see the relief flood over his face. That was what he was so worried about, he was afraid I was pregnant.

"Are we done now?" I ask. He took another sip of his drink before leaning back in his chair.

"Pretty much Deianira. I'm going home, but you'll be here for another hour or so," he says. Adrian stood up and gave me a nonchalant loook that made me want to punch him in the face. He was seriously testing my patience with his feaking mood swings

"What for?"

"I called one of our pack doctors in to give you an examination and run a few tests. Something is going on with you, and we're going to find out what. You can thank me later." And with that, he walked out of the door leaving me with Franco.

All I wanted was to go home and rest. All I wanted was to hear some good news for a change. Instead, I found out that I've been busting my butt just to be ranked close to last. Then I get chastised like a child by the guy who had been throwing out kisses and winking at every girl in sight just an hour earlier. Why was he being so hard on me? Why couldn't I deal with the relaxed, fun loving Adrian that everyone else sees?

What made him want to treat me so different from everyone else?                     

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