Chapter 28

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♡ Deianira ♡

I waited impatiently for Adrian to waltz into the lobby and start scolding me in regards to my behavior and attitude. I knew he was angry with me, I could see his frustration in the way he looked at me, but I also saw something else...


I was puzzled for a moment, wondering what on Earth Adrian had to be worry about or scared of. I looked over at Franco who had just gotten orders from Adrian. He had realized that what we needed to talk about had to be in private so we had to go out for a "walk" and get into a car that will take us to a place where we could conversate in private.

My anger began to simmer down as I started to become increasingly nervous. This was the second time I had pissed off Adrian since I arrived, and I knew he wasn't the type to get really angry. So when he did, it was definitely a big deal.

I finally broke the deadly silence between Franco and I. "What does he want Franco?"

He didn't look at me, his eyes were looking through the window, seemingly searching for a distraction. "He wants to talk to you Deianira."

I rubbed my temples trying to suppress the headache that was beginning to form. "Seriously? I know that Franco! What does he want to talk about? Why is he so angry with me?"

"He's not angry with you."

"And how would you know that?" I challenged.

Franco sighed heavily before running his left hand through his hair. "Because I just do okay?"

"Then what is he then if not angry?"

"Worried. Frustrated. Confused. Disappointed. I don't know Deianira, I'm not an Adrian whisperer." He said in a low, irritated voice. It was slightly strained, and it was easy to see that Franco was upset.

And it was all my fault.

After that I stayed quiet and watched as we passed the pack borders. It was now eleven o'clock, and curfew was at midnight. We rode down the dark and lonely highway that split the extensive forest area we were traveling through. After another thirty minutes we turned onto a road that took us pretty deep into the forest, and onto land. Soon amount of trees becagan to dwindle down until we were in a clearing with only a large field, that was actually a large front lawn of a mansion. As the driver manuevered onto the long winding road that led up to the house my mind burned with curiosity.

I almost gasped at the sight of a large white marble fountain in the center of a small pickup/drop off area. It was one of those classic Greek style fountains that had lights installed in the bowl, illuminating the great art. The gravel crunched beneath my feet as I walked towards the stairs that led up to the front of the house. Franco knocked in the door, and I wasn't surprised to see that Adrian was already inside with a glass of ice and dark liquor in his hand.

He stepped aside not saying a word, and I walked into the grand foyer. To my right was a place to place coats and a small table to place your purse or othe belongings on. To my left was a large mirror that had been hung on the wall, which I was guessing were for the purpose of guests making sure they were presentable before going further into the house.

I followed Adrian up past the staircase that led up to the second floor, and past a dozen wooden doors until finally we reached two double doors. He effortlessly pushed them open and we entered the library.

There was an extensive amount of books neatly placed on the dozen or so eight foot tall bookcase. In the center was a chandelier that hung over a small lounge area where the was a smll coffee table, three couches that were placed in a U-shape and two single chairs near the sides. The carpet even looked expensive, and the first thing I thought off was the dirt I was tracking in.

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