Now I was even more nervous. The others were just waiting for us to arrive, which meant that I was at least an hour or two behind the others. They were probably already making alliances and getting a feel for the VIP guest complex, the place where we would be staying. We climbed into the limo and once Sigma Vince and Sigma Harvard finished loading our bags into the car we were off to the pack borders.

After about 30 minutes of cruising down a lonely highway, I could see high buildings in the distance. We wouldn't have seen it flying over since we were now in a heavily forested area. The pine trees stood tall and strong like a thousand guards that were lined up in either side of the highway.

My sister put her phone in her bra and looked at me. "You ready for this?"

" I'm not." I said unsurely. She sighed and her brown eyes softened when she saw that I was more nervous than she thought.

"Well you have 15 minutes to pull yourself together. We're approaching pack borders and you know that you will be watched 24/7. You can't let these other girls sense your fear, you of all people know to well that it's a sign of weakness and they will try to break you." She says as she adjusted the silver band on her finger.

"I know."

"When we get inside you need to be nice, but keep cool. No squealing, no jumping, no high pitched hello's or cheesy Chestire cat smiles. You need to come off as authentic."

I scoffed and looked at my sister. "You really don't know me do you? I don't ever do any of those things."

"People aren't themselves when they're as nervous as you. Besides, you can't be cold or bitchy either. You'll be instantly written off as an enemy, and you will get rid of potential help in your challenges. Besides, you aren't just competing for some high school jock. You're competing to not only be the Alpha's mate, but a potential Luna as well and no one wants a cold and bitchy Luna."

I rolled my eyes and used my phone screen to see my reflection. "If you had woken up earlier I could have done your hair and makeup. I guess we'll have to use your bare face as an advantage. Plus, guys have been known to like a girl who doesn't have to cake on makeup. But you're hair...well it's pretty wild Nira," she says as she shook her head disapprovingly. It was sad but, she looked way better than me, which wasn't anything new for me but we were now outside the borders of our own pack. People didn't know me and neither did these girls, and because we're twins I can guarantee you that people will mistake us for each other.

I watched as my sister tucked a strand of her straightened brown hair behind her ear and smoothed out the wrinkles in her pretty peach colored dress. Her makeup was done perfectly as always so with the combination of her nice clothes, hair, and makeup she looked more like a model than anything. Oh she was so doing a great job making me look good.

I looked down at my own clothes. I just wore a simple crop top and shorts with a pair of wedge heels, while my hair was in it's naturally curly state, which meant that it was big and wild. I wasn't wearing any makeup so you could see the two little pimples on the side of my forehead and the thin scar by my jaw beneath my ear. They were flaws I was now very self-contious of now that I now had to be some kind of flawless model to even be deemed worthy of Adrian.

As we approached the gates surroundings the pack I was sent into shock. The gates were tall and white with elegant looking spikes near the top. The first thing you see past the gate is the huge checkpoint accompanied by two large guard towers that were designed to look like they were simply decorative monuments.

We stepped out of the car and back out into the intense heat. Since I lived in Georgia, I can't say I wasn't used to a little heat, but it only added to the heat that I was already feeling from my nervousness. Plus, it only made my hair wilder and less manageable.

After we had our identities checked and our passes cleared we got back into the limo and drove into the heart of the pack. I smiled as I saw little kids running freely trying to catch butterflies, or shooting each other with waterguns. I took notice of how people here looked so happy. There were couples that walked down the roads and streets holding hands and kissing, young mothers and fathers with their children, groups of teenagers laughing and playing around. I couldn't help but seem to be warm inside.

What surprised me the most was that I didn't see any homeless. I didn't see any women and children who wore rags and had to beg for a meal. There was no one being harrasesed because theybwere an Omega, or low class pack member. There were no rowdy gangs roaming the streets waiting to harrass some old person, or someone else who couldn't defend themselves. No, instead there were people who greeted each other warmly, smiled, and seemed to possess an overall glow of good health and happiness.

As we approached the Guest Complex I gasped. Before me where three tall buildings made completely of white marble with little swirls of gold. The windows of each room were so large, they had to be at least 25 feet long and maybe about 15 feet high, and if that was just the windows, I could only imagine how big each room actually was on the inside. As we pulled into the lobby, we got out of the limo and were escorted inside by our personal guard Sigmas.

I took the time to try and take in every once of detail of the place. The floor was made of a shiny black marble, that was polished so brilliantly that you could see your own reflection. The furnature looked expensive with it's plush leather or velvet seats and it's gold arms or legs. The ceiling was covered in a beautiful mural that illustrated a scene with greek gods and goddesses and large golden chandeliers that lit up the room brilliantly. Meanwhile the walls were covered with beautiful pieces of art. And in the center where the ceiling looked domed, there was a beautiful water fountain that looked like a mini waterfall, with gold exotic fishes swimming inside.

"This place is really nice," I said to Franco. He smiled and shook his head.

"You think this place is nice, wait until you see the Pack House," he says with the most amused tone.

We checked in at the receptionist desk and I was handed the key to my room where I was told I would have 2 other roomates. I smiled as the woman gave me a warm smile and told me where everyone was meeting up for the first meeting that would be starting in about 15 minutes. I was shocked to find that she was an Omega. It was just odd since the ones back at home had low end jobs that paid minimum wage, and sometimes less. She was well dressed in a black pencil skirt and a silk shirt, with nice jewelry and a pair of cute heels that definitely didn't look cheap. Meanwhile while her brown hair glowed healthily, and her skin was flawless, which meant she had the products to take care of herself. There was no signs of stress or worry on her face, and she definitely didn't look tired and overworked. Man, she looked like she had it made.

I don't think I could handle much more surprise. I was already overwhelmed by the sheer richness of this place and now I had to deal with 23 girls who know doubt ready to shred me to pieces just to be able to live this lifestyle and marry Adrian.

As we approached the silver double doors I took a deep breath, because I knew that in a matter of seconds my life was about to change completely.

The Alpha Selection (Original)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora