I walked into the Meeting Room and took notice of my brothers and sisters shooting me sympathetic looks. They knew I had broken up with Deianira and they knew how much it was really affecting me. Well...they honestly had no idea how much pain I was really in, but they knew I was in pain.

"Now if you're done staring, can we finally get to work? What is our status?" I ask trying to refocus the group.

"Well we had another death in the last hour, but other than that the injured and sick seemed to be getting a little better health wise. However, we're quickly running out of food and supplies and the morale of the others is starting to decrease." My cousin Brent said smoothly but from the look in his cold grey eyes I could tell things were a lot worse than he was letting on.

"Okay and what do we have to work with?" I ask.

My sister slid a map with two major markings on it. "We have two other bunkers with more supplies in it. Number two is 4 miles away and number three is in the next state. Both have enough supplies to last us another month or so. We have about 2 million dollars in the budget and all of our private contacts are still willing to help us out."

Well at least there was some good news.

"Okay. Get everyone loaded up. I want everyone transported to Bunker three as quickly and descreetly as possible. We need to retreat to a place far enough so that we can recharge and come up with some new plans." My team nodded and exited the room to execute my orders. As soon as they left my hand automatically cluched my chest. There was an agonizing sensation that was threatening to make me pass out. It was like my insides were ripping and my lungs were on fire. It was hard to breathe, but somehow I knew it was Deianira. Why was it that her feelings had been multiplied and intensified while mines was a lot less agonizing to say the least?

I drank my glass of water and turned on the tv to trying to relax before I start drawing up new battle plans. It didn't help that there was practically only two things that were showing: the rerun of the Alpha Selection Court Release, and a news program covering a story on our war with the "Post-Massacre" Silverado Valley Pack. I turned the tv off since it wouldn't do me any good to watch either. I loved Nira, and the thought of her being with someone else hurt me in more ways the one. I wasn't satisfied with the idea of her moving on even if it did mean she could have a better life with my cousin Adrian.

>>>>> Adrian <<<<<

I tapped my pen on the table as I listened to the Selection Planner ramble on and on about her plans for the next few days. "Adrian! Stop that and pay attention," my mother said as she flicked me in my ear.

I wanted to roll my eyes but out of respect for my mother I obeyed her without talking back. "Now, Adrian, I need you to tell me all the specific things your looking for in your girl so we can start planning the events and tests. Be as accurate and honest as possible."

"Are we talking physical or character?" I ask for specification.

"Character." She answered as she opened up her planning book to take notes.

"Okay, I want a girl who will be completely honest to me and my family. She can't be a slut or too easy to get in bed. She needs to be not just book smart but street smart as well. She needs to be caring and generous. She should be strong willed and willing to fight for anything she stands for. She needs to be sweet but feisty when necessary and she needs to be able to get along with others."

"Okay, any skills or interests you think it would be nice for her."

"She should be good with children and willing to have kids relatively soon. She should be good with managing her time. She should be productive, I'm not really looking for a housewife that will just stay home and watch Oprah or Teen Wolf. She should be interested in being involved with the community somehow and want to make a difference in the world. I want a girl that can cook and clean of course, and isn't completely opposed to being somewhat domestic. She should be active, maybe involved with yoga, some kind of sport, or work out regularly to keep herself and her wolf in shape," I answer thoughtfully.

"And what are some things you don't want her to be?"

"She can't be disrespectful or dishonest. I don't want anyone who is spoiled and think their entitled to the best. I don't want to be anyone who considers themselves superior to others. Anyone who is selfish and self-concerned is definitely not worthy of my time. As I said before she can't be promiscuous and I don't want her to be a heavy spender or in other words, a high maintenance chick." I respond.

After answering a few more questions and discussing a few options for Stage 1, she allowed me to leave so she could talk to my parents alone. I walked out of the Conference Room of the City Hall and walked to my red Lamborghini. I climbed into the fresh leather seats and drove home. To be honest I was a little excited for the Selection,but I was more afraid than anything. I hoped this worked and that I found the girl of my dreams.

In fact, I already had someone I mind.

The Alpha Selection (Original)Where stories live. Discover now