Chapter One

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Today is the day that my band 'Decisions, decisions' leave for Download festival, this is probably one of the biggest things that I've done in my life, so far. I'm the lead singer of my band, my name is Violet and I'm 21 years old I have long pink hair and I guess you could say I have a few tattoos. My band have been getting pretty big recently, I really feel like I am living my life how I want for once.

As I'm the only girl in the group, our fans are mostly girls, as I have three other guys who are my best friends as well as my band members. Owen is the drummer;he's pretty tall with multiple tattoos and piercings, but his long-ish sandy blond hair doesn't really suit his look.

Jaym is our guitarist;he has darker skin and is the shortest member of the band, but he still has many piercing's and you will never seeing him without a cap on, I swear sometimes he even sleeps with it on. Last but not least we have George he is our bassist; he has longer black hair and also tattoos covering his whole body, not as many piercing's though.

We all live together, so it was a lot easier to get places, we got around in a small-ish minivan type thing. We all piled into the mini-van and I drove us to Download festival. Once we arrived a few of our fans surrounded us, as much as the fanbase was overrun by girls, on the odd occasion there would be a few boys, I didn't mind either way as they were all fans at the end of the day.

We would be one of the first bands to play on the smaller stages, so we started to unload our instruments as soon as we could, I felt the heavy weight of Owen's drums as I tried to lift them out the van by myself, I desperately searched for the boys as I felt like my back was about to break. Until the drum set began getting lighter all of a sudden, I then looked next to me to see a tattooed pair of arms taking the drum set from my arms, Owen finally showed up so the tattooed arms handed it to Owen.

I saw a face I definitely recognized but hadn't seen in years; Oliver Sykes.


Running through the grass of the field, I felt Oli grab my arm, we both fell to the floor laughing. I stared deep into those eyes, a smile crossed his face as he leant down and kissed me, I kissed back.

Breaking the kiss I said to him whilst holding his face "Please, don't ever leave me Oli" I waited for him to answer. "I promise I won't, ever!". We continued to lie there just cuddling for hours.

*End Of Flashback*

"Um..Hey" Oli said, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. We broke up about five years ago now, he promised he wouldn't ever leave me, but he did; for someone else. "Oh, hi" I said back, just out of politeness, I thanked him for helping me and rushed onto the stage to help my band.

That's the first time I have seen Oli since I was 16 and he was 21, I guess we were just in love at that age. Owen was the only band member of mine I could really open up to and he always knew when something was bothering me. "Are you okay Violet? You look like you've seen a ghost" he laughed to himself, but he had practically just said the truth, Oli was like a ghost to me, he just disappeared for five years and I never saw him again until now. "I'm fine" I lied, as much as I liked talking to Owen about things, I definitely didn't want to speak about this.

~A/N; Sorry it's really short, i'm not very good at first chapters! The others will definitely be longer!~

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