Chapter Twenty Two

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And I'm afraid I seriously enjoyed doing it.


I roll over and my hand flops onto something drying and slightly gooey still.

"Ewww!" I whisper-shout, removing my hand from the cum stain. Cum is seriously only a good thing when you're horny. Later, while washing the sheets, it's rather nasty and smelly.

I unceremoniously wipe my hand on the bed and look over to Harry, who is rubbing his sleepy eyes.

"Whaaa?" he asks stupidly. I chuckle and playfully kiss his shoulder.

"Morning Haz," I greet happily.

He removes his hands from his eyes and looks at me, smiling. "Ahhh," he says, rolling over and crushing me with half of his naked body as well as his sweaty arm. I move slightly so as to be more comfortable. "That was the first sex we've had in months."

"Wow," I breathe, realizing he is right. It has been two months since Eleanor and I got engaged. "A bit of a dry spell, eh? We were really due for some."

He chuckles and brings himself closer to me, kissing my forehead. I wiggle my eyebrows. "Care for some morning fun?" I ask teasingly.

He groans. "Yeah, like I can walk after last night." I laugh and begin to get out of bed. His strong arm whips out of nowhere and tightens itself around me, preventing me from moving. "No," he says defiantly.

"Got to get up sometime," I defend.

"Not now."

"Yes now."



"Fine!" He throws the sheets off and jumps out of bed, only to fall immediately to the ground. "Shit," he mumbles.

I begin laughing my ass off. "You're just too tight."

"Shut your trap, Tomlinson," he defends, beginning to gingerly stand himself up again.

"Never." I grab a pair of pants and then leave the room, heading to the kitchen to put the kettle on. I am met by the bare back of Niall, hunched over the counter and staring into the depths of his cuppa.

"Trying to see into the future," I say sarcastically, indicating the tea and his deep focus on it.

He chuckles. "Sorta."

I raise my eyebrows, confused. "Any water left?"

"No, sorry mate, you'll have to make more."

I fill the kettle back up with water and turn the stove on. Niall is still staring at his tea and not speaking. He looks up at me suddenly, opening up his mouth to speak, but is interrupted.

"Gooooooooood morning," says an overly-peppy Liam.

"What's got you in a good mood?" I ask.

"Dunno, just feel good. But I bet I know what's got you in such a good mood," he says, making the caterpillars he calls eyebrows move up and down suggestively.

I look down at my feet and suppress a smile. "So," I say. He laughs and sits down at the counter.

Zayn walks in a second later, ruffling his hair and yawning like a hippo. "Food," he demands, and then sits down beside Liam, sticking his face into the marble countertop and not saying another word.

"Good morning to you too," I joke. I look over at Niall suspiciously. He hasn't raised his head or acknowledged anyone. Before I can question it, Harry waddles in grudgingly.

Oasis (Larry Stylinson)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz