Chapter Seventy-Seven | International Quidditch Tournament, June 2021

Start from the beginning

Just as she was getting worried, the car came over the hill, and Forrest honked twice at the sight of her. "Hullo!" he called, shutting it and walking over. He had a bouquet of wild flowers in one hand, and a smile brighter than any star.

"C'mere." She insisted, opening her arms.

"I'm sorry I missed the game," he said again. "But that damn collector –"

"Forrest, really, it's okay." Ella couldn't stop smiling now that he was with her. "I'm just happy you're here now. C'mon, everyone is dying to meet you."

Linking arms, they headed off. "I've got something to show you," she said, tugging him away from the tents. They reached the stadium, and Ella raised a finger to her lips and ducked under a cloth flap, pulling him along. They were beneath the stands he realized, and after crossing beneath the beams they ducked under another flap – and were on the pitch.

"Whoah." Breathed Forrest. "It's huge."

The stands towered above them, the sky a framed oval, millions of stars blinking above them. They walked across the pitch, arm and arm, when Ella stopped abruptly, brow furrowed.

"Ella?" Forrest turned to look at her, worried when he saw her frown. "You okay?"

"You haven't kissed me yet." She stated.

Forrest blushed deeply, and his eyes widened behind the thick lenses of his glasses. He resembled an adorable bug. "I – well –"

"I've done everything to signal you – and you still haven't." Ella didn't want to admit it, but she was scared. "Do you not like me?"

"Ella –"

"Because if you don't, then that's oh-okay." She whispered, obviously not okay in the least. "But Forrest, if you don't I can't take you to my family. I just can't."

"Oh, Ella." Forrest stepped forward, looking everywhere but her.

"Look at me, Forrest. Please."

Taking a deep breath, Forrest looked up. "Can I – um – show you?"

"Sure, but –?"

He didn't let her finish, just gently pressed his lips to hers, hands hovering over her shoulders. He pulled away, blushing furiously.

"Oh." Ella touched her lips with her fingers, as if to see if they were still there.

"I wanted to give you space," he explained, gaze on their feet once more. "I didn't want to just blurt out that I loved you and pressure you –"

"You love me?" asked Ella breathlessly.

"Of course." Forrest took her hands carefully in his. "How could I not?"

"I – but you're so perfect."

He laughed and crushed her to him, holding on tight and breathing in her smell of wind and sea. "Ella, just let me love you, okay? If you're all right with that."

Clutching him, fistfuls of wavy brown hair and tears slipping down her cheeks, all Ella could do was nod, and nod and nod until she couldn't hold herself up, and Forrest supported all her weight. Somehow, Ella knew he would always be around to do so.

         In darkness, Ella snuck from the team tents to her families'. In the room she usually shared with Hester and Maeve, she slipped into Hester's bottom bunk.

"You awake?" she asked.

"Yeah, took you long enough." Moving over, Hester spoke softly, so as not to wake their little sister. "Mae's been asleep for ages."

The sisters lay side-by-side, gold and bronze, breathing synchronizing. "It's been a crazy day." Said Ella, taking Hester's hand under the light quilt.

"I had sex with James." Blurted Hester.

"No way." Gasped Ella, turning her head to gape at her sister even in darkness. "Why didn't you tell me beforehand!"

"You were busy, and we decided quickly." Shrugged Hester. "I'm sorry. I did everything you said though, don't worry."

"You took the potion I gave you, the morning after one?"

She nodded. "Yeah, tastes awful by the way."

The sisters fell silent, then Ella whispered: "I kissed Forrest."

"For the first time?" asked Hester, surprised.

"Yeah." Ella grazed her lips with her fingers – they still tingled pleasantly. "It was wonderful."

"So was James." Said Hester, and then added thoughtfully, "Until he lit my hair on fire."

"What?" Elle giggled. "No way."

She nodded, showing her the singed hair. "I'll fix it tomorrow, but it happened. There was a candle involved."

"Geeze." Ella shook her head, then snuggled closer. "Seems crazy, how our lives are going." She listened for soft breathing. "Imagine, Maeve will be at Hogwarts this September, and one day we'll have to give her potions and advice and –"

"She's still little, shush." Hester said. "Just...let's enjoy her innocence for a while longer."

The sister's fell asleep, as they had many times growing up. Andrew found them that way in the morning and smiled. His girls were good friends, and he was glad they had a bond as strong as he and Sonia had. He didn't know what was going on in their lives as exactly, but he was glad they at least had each other. 

A/N: Awwwww. I feel like the last few chapters I've started each note with "awww". The sad stuff is kinda over. 

Question: Ella is in the international tournament! How cool is that!

REMINDER: I'm taking questions! Leave one below, doesn't necessarily have to be about the book. 

Only 2 chapters and an epilogue left! I actually meshed 2 chapters together...sorry. Happy Holidays!


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