Chapter 2

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                                                                            ~Sarah's P.O.V. ~

I talked with Professor Dumbledore and everyone else for a while. He said I can go to Hogwarts this semester. All I need to do is my shopping and I'm all set. I felt myself get sleepy, but didn't want to be a bother so I just tried to stay awake.

"Dear, are you ok?" asked Mrs. Weasley.

I nodded.

"Are you sure? You look awfully tired."

"I don't want to be a bother." is all I replied.

"Nonsense, Sarah. Ginny, show Sarah to the washroom, and Hermione, you are more of her size, would you give her something clean to wear?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

They both nodded and we went up the stairs.

I walked slowly, the gash on my leg was still unattended, as Mrs. Weasley said she wanted me to wash the blood off me so she could care to my cuts.

"Here, you can wear this for tonight. And tomorrow I will give you something else. And besides, we have to go shopping for school stuff tomorrow, so we can also get you some clothes." Hermione told me with a smile.

"Ok, sounds great!" I said.

 "Sarah? You there? Come down the hall." Ginny called to me.

I walked down the hall to the washroom.

"Here's a towel and if you need anything else just call." I nodded again. I was still very shy around these new people.

I stripped out of my old, worn clothes and turned on the hot water. It stung my cuts and bruises very much. I hadn't been allowed to shower in a week, which was a regular thing for me. It took me a long time to wash off the dried blood and dirt out of my hair and off my body, but after about 10 minutes of serious scrubbing I was done.

I got out soon and changed into the pajamas Hermione gave me. They were striped blue and grey pajama shorts and a grey t-shirt. I looked in the mirror. I pulled up my shirt slightly to see how much weight I had lost. I could see my ribs and hips. I was very unhealthy looking, although it didn't show in my face.

I examined my still open wounds around my body. Then I noticed how soft, shiny, and clean my hair had looked. At the Manor I was not allowed to use soap or shampoo. It had been about a year since my hair had looked so beautiful.

I walked out of the bathroom in time to here Ginny calling my name. "Sarah! Sarah? Dinner's ready! Mum just finished!"

I walked downstairs to see the lot of them making there way into the kitchen. I tripped off the last step, because my leg was very weak, due to the cut on it. But, instead of hitting the ground, I was caught by someone.

"Thanks, Ron." I said, smiling weakly to him after turning around.

"Uh, no problem" he reply, smiling back feebly. I never really looked at him before. He had red hair like the rest of his family, blue-green eyes, tall, and all-in-all pretty good-looking. "C’mon, dinner's ready," he said, gently grabbing my wrist and leading me into the kitchen.

Once in the kitchen I noticed the spread in front of me. I sat down next to Ginny and Harry.

Harry had untidy looking black hair, the famous lightening bolt scar on his forehead, and beautiful green eyes that are partially hidden behind his circular glasses.

Under the table, I put my hands on my ribs, feeling how skinny I had become due to lack of food. I waited patiently for everyone to dig into the food and then took some. I had one scoop of mashed potatoes, a small piece of bread, and one piece of chicken. I ate slowly, and was the first one finished.

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