Chapter 6

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                                           ~Ron's P.O.V. ~

"I wonder who the unlucky bloke that gets chosen for this is. But, eternal glory, bloody hell, wouldn’t' that be something?" I ask.

"Ronald, why would anyone ever want to enter that tournament? You could die!" Hermione exclaims.

"Can we not talk about this now? Please?" Sarah asks.

When she asks in her sweet voice, I can't help but agree.

"Yeah, we're not even old enough to enter. Let's just go visit Hagrid," I respond quickly.

"Hagrid..?" Sarah asked quizzically.

"He's the game keeper, and a very dear friend of mine," Harry explained.

"Ahem, Ms. Richards, would you please come with me to my office? We have some things to discuss about your stay here at Hogwarts. Oh, and Harry, please come also." Dumbledore called after them.

Damn, I thought that I was actually going to get another chance to hang out with Sarah. They both nodded and just walked off.

                                 ~Sarah's P.O.V. ~

We were going to go off to some guy named Hagrid's house. But then Dumbledore wanted to talk to us.

After a couple of minutes of silent walking, we reached a statue in the shape of an eagle in an alcove in the wall. Dumbledore then said "Sherbet Lemon," and to my surprise, the statue started to twist, revealing a staircase that we hopped on until we reached the top.

Dumbledore motioned for us to sit at the two dusty chairs in front of his desk. I observed the room, it large, with many moving paintings on the walls and shelves filled with books. There was a loft, but I couldn't see the top of it.

Then I saw something and it hit me. Next to the desk was a Phoenix; a scarlet and gold one.

"Beautiful, isn't he? His name is Fawkes." Dumbledore says quietly.

"Fawkes." I repeated to myself in a whisper.

Dumbledore obviously knew what I was thinking. Someone said that Dumbledore knows all.

"Do you know why I called you both into my office?" he asked.

We book shook our heads. Maybe if he told us we'd know why we were here.

"Sarah, I assume you have gotten your wand, and heard its story, correct?" Dumbledore asked me.

I nodded. Harry looked confused, and Dumbledore gave me a look asking if he could tell him. I nodded in approval. I didn't see what this had to do with anything, but he wouldn't ask if it wasn't important.

"Well Harry, you see, Sarah is a descendant of the one and only Godric Gryffindor himself."

Harry and the portraits gasped.

"Her father's side contains blood relating to Godric Gryffindor. Her wand contains a feather from Fawkes, here, and also, Godric's hair."

I looked over at Harry. He was so confused, as was I.

I still didn’t get why he had to be here.

"But Harry, now I bring you into the story. You see, Harry, you and Sarah are alike in many ways. Your great-great-grandfather had a brother. That brother is Sarah's great-great-grandfather. Eventually, her grandfather married a Veela. They had her father, a half-wizard, and half-Veela. Your grandfather had a son, whom he named James, and then came you."

"That means..." Harry started.

"Yes, that means you and Sarah are cousins. And yes, Harry, you are also a descendant of Godric Gryffindor."

Another gasp from the portraits. Harry and I both had our mouths open in shock. We didn't know what to say. He looked and me, and I looked at him.

"I have family. Family that is alive." Harry said.

My eyes then started to get watery. I wasn't alone. I had someone. Someone I could turn to that meant so much more to me then just a friend. I had a cousin that was alive. I never met any other family members of mine, besides my grandparents.

I got up. Harry looked upset; I think he thought I was going to leave. He got up also, and I almost tackled him while trying to hug him.

I whispered in his ear, "Welcome to the family," and he laughed.

"Is that all, Sir?" I ask.

"No, no it is not. Please sit for this also." Dumbledore said. I nodded and sat down.

"Sarah, this is very hard for me to tell you, but your mother is still alive."

I gasp, anger and confusion pulsing through my body. My mom is still alive? She let me suffer, get tortured, and act as a slave for over a year?!

Now why would I want to ever come in contact with her again?

"Wha-what? No-NO! She-she died. She wouldn't have l-let me suffer like that. I-I saw her die. Where is she? WHERE!" I yelled.

I was slightly relieved but also very upset. She couldn't be alive, if she was, then why didn't she help me after the torture I went through.

But, I saw her die. I watched the light leave her eyes. I watched her take her last breath as she tried to tell me to run.

"Sarah, the person you called "Mum" is not your real mother. Your real mother and the person you call your father were once married. Your real mother, after she had you, had a fight with your father. She couldn't keep you anymore, because she was being recruited by Death Eaters, so she gave you to your father. Your father remarried another Veela."

I started to cry.

"What?" I whispered. "So, my father is my real father, just, my mother, isn't?"

He nodded.

"But, I look like my mum. I have her hair. But mostly dad's face. But, I still kind of look like my mum!" I yelled. I didn't believe it. It couldn't be true.

"Your real mother would like to meet you. Not now, but soon. Next week, perhaps? She really wants to explain everything to you. And, she has other news to tell you. She wouldn't tell me, but, she wants to tell you if you allow her to meet you."

I nodded, still teary-eyed, then walked out, Harry following swiftly behind me.

He tried to talk to me, but I pushed right passed him. It was all happening so fast in so little time. It was only 9:15, and I learned that Harry and I are cousins because we are the Heirs to the Gryffindor throne.

That's a lot to take in all at once.


~ (A/N) Ok, well, yes, Harry is believed to be a descendant of Godric Gryffindor. Google it! (: Some hints are how the Sword of Gryffindor appeared to him and Dumbledore said that only a "True Gryffindor could have pulled that out of the hat." Another fact is that a legend says that the true heir of Gryffindor could be the only one to defeat the heir of Slytherin.

Hope you enjoyed it! Sorry it’s short; I have to go to bed!

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