Chapter 63

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of it's charcters. Harry Potter characters and concept belongs to JK Rowling. I only own Sarah, Laurie, and Jessica.

Sarah's POV

"Ron, stop it." I say jokingly, while hitting his arm.

"Make me." he smiles.

"Oh, I will." I tackle him to the ground. I pin his arms down and put my knees on his chest to hold him down. He's pretending to break free, but I can tell he obviously isn't trying to.

"Oh no, you got me." he jokes.

I smile, but it is short lived when he flips me over, pinning me down.

"Get off me! You eat too much to be pinning me down." I yell. He smiles, but pretends to act hurt.

"Oh, really? You eat a lot too!" he jokes.

My smile drops. "Oi! What gives you the right to say that to me?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Nothing, really, Mrs. Sarah Weasley."

"WAKE UP!" Hermione yells, jumping on my bed. The shock of the dream combined with the shock of being woken up like this almost causes me to fall off my bed.

"WHAT! ITS SATURDAY!" I yell back. She smiles and opens the door.

Harry, Ginny, and Ron walk into my room, still in their pajamas and their hair a mess.

"Ugh." I groan, rolling out of bed. I walk up to the mirror.

"What?" Hermione asks, turning me around.

"I told you not to make a fuss." I complain.

"Of course I am." she smiles, walking back in line with the others.

"Happy Birthday, Love." Ron smiles, kissing my cheek. I feel myself blushing, and I sit down on my bed.

If you were wondering, it is exactly one week after the detention I had with Slughorn. Seeing how pissed I was, he only made me stay for 20 minutes or so, just to clean off the desks. It didn't take me that long, because I used magic. He also told me to clean cauldrons, but obviously that didn't take me any time at all.

 I look over at the calender on the wall next to me. Circled with a heart, is the date,

March 26, 1996.

AKA, my 16th birthday.

"Thanks guys..." I mumble, alittle embaressed at the state I am in. I glance at  the mirror in our room and am in horror at the state I am in.

My hair is frizzing, black makeup is stained down my face, and looks extra dark compared to my light complexion. Not to mention that I am in baggy flannel pajama pants, (aqua ones of course,) and a white shirt that goes down to about my elbows. But the best part is that my boyfriend is here.

Ginny jumps up and down and claps her hands. "Present time!" she squeals.

"No, Ginny, no presents.." I say, getting up and trying to fix my hair.

"Oh please, you think that we didn't get you anything? Oh course we did!" she says happily, going towards the door and what I assume is the direction of her room.

"Guys, I said no presents." I announce, wiping yesterday's makeup off.

"And we said sure. We never said, 'Okay Sarah, we won't get you anything,' did we?" Harry says,  grinning.

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