Chapter 20

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I still feel like shit after my 'joyful' encounter with a troll. That is two troll attacks I survived. Bloody hell, I just attract danger, dont I?

"Are you sure you're ok?" Sarah asked me for the thousandth time. She felt so guilty for the whole thing.

"I'm fine, really. See?" I said then proceeded to jump up and down. It hurt like hell, but hopefully it would make Sarah feel less bad. She gave me a I-dont-believe-you-but-I'm-just-going-to-go-along-with-it look. Ugh, even when she's scolding me she's cute. Atleast you can think that now, since you are going out. I thought.

I grabbed Sarah's hand and squeezed it reassuringly. I smiled at her to let her know that everything would be alright.

A month has passed, and me and Sarah are still going strong. Harry left a day after the attack, and went to his mean muggle family. Oh yeah, did I mention that we arent at the Burrow anymore? We're at Headquarters! It's Siruis's old house. Like, really old. Did I mention what it was Headquarters for? No? I didnt? Well, its for the Order of the Phoenix!

The Order of the Phoenix is this secret society that Dumbledore started up before the First Wizarding War 16 years ago. They fought the Death Eaters. Mum and Dad were and still are in it. Harry's parents, and even Sarah's, were too. Mum's brothers were in it took. A lot of people that I know's parents. Wicked, I know.

We havent been able to write to Harry, and we all feel so bad about it. I cant wait, because the Order is going to get him tomorrow. Finally, my best mate is coming.


So the Order that my Dad and step-mum were in is still going on. We are at Sirius's house at 12 Grimmauld Place. It's Headquarters.

Good news is Harry is coming tomorrow. I sat all happy in my room looking out the window. I decided to right in my diary again.

I looked through my bad and found the aqua book. I read some previous entries, most of them saying about how great my relationship with Ron is going. Then, I stopped at my favorite. The one where I admit to myself that I am in love with Ron Weasley.

I dipped my feather tipped quill in a bottle of ink.

~Dear Diary,

Harry is coming to Headquarters tomorrow. We had to keep him in the dark this whole time-Dumbledore's orders.

Mum and Jessica have been doing well, they sent me a letter yesterday. Death Eaters are still recruiting them, even more now

Ron and I are still dating. He has been gradually telling me less and less that he loves me. Oh well. I guess he's just getting to comfortable around me. Its as though the first weeks are the best, then its like we are married, and the compliments are a rarity. I can't beat myself up with it, it probably happens to everyone.

I closed my book with a sigh. Ron hasnt said 'I love you' in 2 days, and only because I said it first. *Sigh*

I made my way merrily downstairs. Once downstairs, I head a loud pop behind me that made me jump.

"Fred! George!" I yelled, while turning around. They just giggled. God, I love these two. They are adorable--- I mean in a friendly way. Since us being in Headquarters I had grown a lot closer to them. They are good to talk to, because they dont annoyingly voice their opinions (Hermione), they dont give bad advice (Ginny), they wont judge (Mrs. and Mrs. Weasley), they arent boring (Percy), and they dont tell me everything will be ok (Ron). They just listen and make me feel better.

I put my hands on my hips in a motherly way, my blonde hair swishing over my big, glaring blue eyes. They took this oppurtunity to pick me up by my arms and apparate to their room.

"God! Just 'cause you two can apparate legally now doesnt mean you have to apparate everywhere! Gah! Just walk downstairs or call my name!" I said while brushing off myself. "What do you two want anyways?"

Their famous grins dissappeared. Ugh, they wanna talk.

"We were-" Fred started.

"-just wondering-" George continued.

"-how your-"

"relationship with Ron-"

"-is going?" Gosh, I hate when they do that. Why must they talk like that? It was always the same way, too. Fred started, George continued, then they went back and forth until the end of the sentence, when they both finished it.

"Its.....going." I said. I tell them my secrets, because believe it or not, no matter how goofy they are, they keep secrets.

They both gave me confused looks. I bit my lip. "It going...ok." They both nodded as to ask me to go on.

"Its just that, I thought it would be alittle different. I mean, I dont want to sound all needy but, well.." I trailed off. "Well, it feels as though he doesnt love me anymore." They both furrowed their eyesbrows. I laughed in my mind at the fact that they always thought alike and could be on cue with everything the other did.

"He hasnt said I love you in 2 days. He only said it because I said it first before I went to bed. But the last time he said it to me first was a week." I finished, and sighed.

"Want us to talk to him?" Fred asked me.

"Yeah, we could prank him into oblivion if he doesnt tell us." George added.

"Like George said. It would give us an excuse to prank him" Fred continued.

"Or we could try to get him to make an unbrakeable vow. We almost did it once. We could make him vow to love you forever." George finished.

I laughed. These two could always make me laugh. A satisfied grin came across their faces. I laughed again and walked out.

"Oh hey Ron!" I said as I bumped into him in the hallway.

"Sarah! Did you know Harry is coming tomorrow! I finally have someone to hang out with!" he replied, very excited.

God. This kid isnt good at relationships. But somehow, I still love this idiot. I mean, I have been wanting to hang out with him, just me and him, for 2 weeks. But nope, he never wanted to.

"Yeah, great." I mumbled. That meant less time with him then before. Yay...

Another loud pop from behind me. What do these two want?

"Yes Fred and George?" I asked without turning around.

"We have a plan for you." they both said in unison.

God. Their plans never ever work out.


Sorry that its short. I wrote 2 tonight for the people that enjoy this story. *Yawn* I am very very tired right now. And I have to think of Fred and George's plan. I have an idea of what it is, but who knows, maybe I will think of something else in the morning. *Yawn again*

So do you like it? If you have a Wattpad account please comment. I am running low on intersting ideas. I have only a few more chapters planned, but if I cant think of anything else then I will just write the ending chapter. I need some comments to see if people actually read these. If not, then there isnt a point of me writing them, right? Ugh, I dont know, its 4am and I cant think straight. (LOL)

I seem to do my best writing late at night, and my teachers would agree. ^_^

G'night peoples, and thank you to those who like my story. Hehe, if someone comments then I will dedicate the next chapter to you.. oh the temptations.... >:)


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